Last modified 01/22/2024

marriage disappointment's messages, marriage disappointment's sms, marriage disappointment's phrasesNice messages for a marriage disappointment

The decision to marry the person you love is one of the most important in life, and even the security at the beginning, there will be things which are not going as you would like.
Unfortunately many couples choose to separate. Some people do it because one of the two was unfaithful, for irremediable problems between them or simply because they think love came to an end. If your marriage is over and you want to share with others this news here we leave you some advice.
In this article we present a list of words by a marriage disappointment. Publish some of these brief messages on your Facebook or Twitter account and announce that your relationship with your wife or husband is over.
Free list of nice messages for a marriage disappointment:
:: “I thought you were a different person, but now I realize that all this time you pretended. Marry you was a big mistake”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “Marriage should be forever, but for me the best thing was to finish it, because the person who promise me his love, lied to me”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “It hurts to accept that the woman who promised me her love for life was just playing with me, I feel it will be very difficult to recover from this big disappointment”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “I always dreamed of a marriage that will last a lifetime, but it turn from dream to a nightmare when I discovered my husband’s betrayal”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “When we got married we felt that love would never end, however over the course of the days we become in a disenchanted illusion, we did everything that was within our reach but unfortunately things could no longer be solved”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “I admit that I married very soon, but I was really in love. I asked for her hand because I didn’t want to separate from her, but now I know that love blinded me. My wife and I have separated”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “When I fall in love I gave him all the best of me, but this man did not even respect the vows he made at the altar, my marriage ended and I can only go forward”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “I thought she was the great love of my life, who also felt happy with our wedding, but only played with my feelings”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “Perhaps this failure is one of the most difficult to deal with; if I joined my life to him was because I wanted ours to last forever. Now I have to be strong and accept that my marriage was a mistake”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “If I had not seen it could not believe it, I saw my husband with another woman and there is nothing to do. So many times I swore I was the only one, who could not live without me but all were words of no value to him”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “Having suffer this terrible disappointment has made me more suspicious person. After discovering so many lies it will not be easy to believe in someone again”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “Apparently there are those who take marriage as a game, I can’t understand why someone changes so fast, I think she always cheated. I will divorce to continue with my life”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
:: “If a married couple really love each other, and also have present in mind the promises made in the eyes of God then they will be able to fight and overcome any difficulty. It will not be easy, but I have to get away from him”.
Category :marriage disappointment’s messages
We hope that these words become useful to communicate your marriage disappointment, express the pain you feel. It is best to externalize what we feel and not be silent.
Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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