Last modified 01/23/2024
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wedding congratulations
We all have great dreams to realize and for some people to get married is a beautiful fantasy that they want to see come true, there are even some who did not have it planned, but who find great happiness when getting married. They all deserve to receive beautiful congratulation words for their wedding.
There are many preparations to be made by a couple to get married and they do it hoping for the best, wishing to live the happiest moments of their lives and receive the most beautiful and original wedding greetings from their loved ones.
If you want to share original congratulation messages for weddings that contain your feelings you do not have to worry, here you will find them. Check the list that you will find right away.
Download free wedding congratulations phrases
:: “Congratulations on your marriage, May you be very happy and all the dreams you have come true”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Thousands of successes for both in this new stage of your lives; May your marriage would last forever”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Marriage will give you the greatest joys of your lives. Always love each other and be united in good times and bad ones”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Today the two will take an important step that signifies the beginning of a life in common and I wish you all the happiness of the world, my friends”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Your great dream of getting married today will come true, may God bless that beautiful home you will form”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “My dear friends, you are a beautiful couple and I know that you love each other very much. Congratulations at your wedding! ”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “May you have an exemplary marriage and that the love that has led you to take this step always remains alive. Congratulations!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “All your loved ones are happy for this great event, have a beautiful marriage and be blessed forever”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “You love each other and I feel happy because love has triumphed. May you enjoy this stage of life and May prosperity would accompany you”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Marriage is a big responsibility, but also a beautiful experience. Congratulations to you! ”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Thank you for inviting me to share your joy. With all my heart I wish you the best in your wedding, May everything will turn out perfect”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Your faces reflect the joy they feel for this special event. My best wishes for your life as spouses!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “How nice it is to see such a happy couple realizing their dreams, I express my best wishes, May you have a beautiful marriage”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “I love you very much and I wish you success in your marriage. The love you feel will make any difficulty seem small”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “My good friends, enjoy all the beauty that marriage brings. Go ahead and be very happy”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
There is no better detail to share with the bride and groom than a beautiful gift accompanied by cute congratulation phrases for marriage, full of good wishes, happiness and much love. Visit us whenever you want to share very nice greeting phrases on social networks.
The best free wedding congratulations quotes
A wedding is a very special event that requires a lot of preparation and the best we can do, as guests, is to share our good wishes to the bride and groom and to make them feel very happy, for this there is nothing better than dedicate precious marriage congratulation messages.
Usually the gift that you are going to deliver must be accompanied by a card that contains some cute and original congratulations for marriage and we have created this section to help you write some beautiful phrases.
It is very easy to share some nice words to congratulate the couple on their wedding day; all you need is to choose some of the new phrases that we bring you this time. Do not worry; they will not cost you anything, they are totally free.
Send cute wedding congratulations messages
:: “I have witnessed the birth of your love and I am excited to participate in this special ceremony. Have a happy wedding! ”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “A happy marriage is achieved with effort; remember to keep alive the flame of passion with small details. Congratulations!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Within a few hours you will become husband and wife, but never stop being boyfriend and girlfriend. Congratulations!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Today you are on your way to the altar to join your lives and I wish you all the happiness and success you deserve for being excellent people”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Congratulations to the most loving couple in the world. Enjoy how beautiful life is and be united by that great love you feel”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “On this long awaited day you will receive a great blessing and your love will bear many fruits. Congratulations, beautiful couple! ”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “A love like yours was born to last a lifetime and more, I wish you a very happy wedding”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “It is very exciting to see you together and with the desire to live in marriage, may God bless you. My best wishes to you!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “What pride and example for all is the love you profess. I wish you much happiness in your marriage”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Marriage is a sacred union for all life and you assume this commitment because you truly love each other. Congratulations!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Have a nice marriage, make every effort to fulfill your dreams and may God send you many children”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “A love story as beautiful as yours has the long-awaited outcome. Congratulations on your marriage!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Congratulations to both of you and your families; today you will found a little nest of love that will be your refuge at all times. God bless you!”
Category: Wedding congratulations
:: “Thousands of congratulations to you! I appreciate you very much and I am happy to see you so happy, fulfilling your goal of joining your lives in a dream marriage”.
Category: Wedding congratulations
We wish the couple to receive many beautiful wedding greetings, that they feel very happy and that they like all the details you share with them. Here you will find many original congratulation messages and for any other occasion, so we invite you to visit us whenever you want.
Excellent speech of a witness of a Marriage
One of the most important decisions in the life of a person is getting married. If the two are in love and decide to seal their love in the eyes of your loved ones, it will cause great joy to your loved ones.
In the marriage ceremony everybody have their eyes on the future spouses because they are the main protagonists. While the marriage event occurs, both the wedding couple and witnesses sign a document declaring their desire by writing.
Witnesses are usually grooms’ loved ones, who know for a long time and know that the couple really loves each other. After the implementation of this act, the newly married couple, along with family and friends, gathers to perform the wedding celebrations.
A common practice is that witnesses who were chosen to devote their best wishes to the couple. Then we present a list of dedications that witnesses of a marriage can say during the celebration.

Example No. 1 of a speech of a marriage’s witness:
Dear guests,
like you, I am also glad I witnessed this solemn union. I am very pleased to have participated as a witness to the marriage of this so beloved couple. I wish to express my cordial greetings to the newlyweds and say I wish them to be very happy in their new life together.
I know that the great love they have is so great that they will turn every day of their lives into a special ones. When you started dating I was glad because you don’t only get along, you also make a cute couple. All the time you have been together I have seen everything you do for one another.
My happiness could not be higher when I was asked to be a witness of this union. I wish you much happiness in your lives, now you enter in a new stage where you need to increase your love.
May your new home be filled with many blessings and that can be a haven of peace, which is eternal love between you and remember this day as the most beautiful of your life.
Example No. 2 of a speech of a marriage’s witness:
Dear family and friends,
I take this opportunity to express my feelings. Tonight we all gathered to accompany the couple on this important step they are taking, we love the newlyweds and so, we come to celebrate with them all the happiness they feel.
I affectionately greet the newly married for having demonstrated with their union that true love is possible. I thank you for having chosen me as his witness of marriage because I love them both and I have a great affection for their families.
I met them since childhood, I have the fortune to share a friendship with the two of them and there was something that told me that they were right for each other. Getting here has not been easy, there have been obstacles, but they have done everything to fulfill their dream.
This day was highly expected by everyone, especially by this new couple as it was their desire to unite their lives as God and the laws rule. I hope that everything will go well, the main ingredient to having a good marriage is love and you two is what most spread.
I wish you from heart to have a greatly and happy life now and keeping this emotion will always remain the love in your hearts. Many congratulations.
We hope you like these words for witnesses. Use them as a model to write and tell your own speech. Keep in mind that it should be short and you should always mention your best wishes at the end.

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Images credits :
Get well soon cards : Original images courtesy of,Modified by .
Image courtesy of “Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee” /
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