Last modified 01/27/2024

Canadian independent professional immigration,skilled worker immigration program:
Years of experience and academic skills are of much importance in Canada. Many times it is believed that migration to a foreign country means leaving the dream of professional growth and comfort in finding a manual or physical labor.

However, Canada is a country who seeks immigrants not only to fulfill its need for personnel instructed in manual labors, but also for trained personnel in different fields of knowledge. 

The Canadian government has made projections, which indicate that within less than 15 years, there will be a high demand for professionals in their territory and it may not be covered by the original population of their country.

Then is when they will have a need for outsiders. Aware of this situation today, there are better opportunities to access a permanent resident visa, applicants for those professionals. There is even more likely for those professions that were considered priorities by the government or because of their high demand in the Canadian job market. 
Some professions are considered as priorities, such as the ones related to the health, information technology and teaching sectors. 
Skilled Worker Immigration Program is a special program for professional workers seeking for permanent residence. In order to be able to achieve the minimum standard in its evaluation system, they immigrant will be required to comply with the following items: 
• Proficiency in English or French, accreditation certificate IELTS (International English Language Testing System) for English, and certification TEF (Test d’Evaluation de Francais) for the French. 
• Been between 21 and 49 years old. 
• Certification of higher education
Work experience (minimum of one year) 
• Demonstrate ability to adapt quickly to new environments (marital status, availability of work in Canada) 
• Existence of employment history in Canada (if the applicant has previously obtained a temporary work permit) 
Significantly, the applicant must demonstrate that he or she can contribute to improving the economic situation in Canada. There are a number of requirements for compliance with certain medical and police record (not having a criminal record). 
The central objective of the Skilled Worker Immigration Program is to bring to Canada people prepared in areas of knowledge required by the Canadian labor situation. The biggest advantage of this program is that it offers the possibility of an individual or family immigration. 
In 2006, it passed the Fair Access to Regulated Professions, from which it is obligated to various institutions to make fair assessment processes in the ratings of professionals educated in other countries, and whose professions are regulated in Canada (Engineering, Medicine, etc.) This Act also authorized the creation of service centers for immigrants with difficulties in the process of revalidation of their professional credentials. 
It is important to note that in some Canadian provincial governments (for example, the Ontario government), there are special programs such as for the Internationally Trained Internship. This program was created to provide assistance to foreign professionals in their local labor market integration. It consists in giving away training places, lasting an average of six months. However, in order to be able to access this program, it is necessary for the worker to have, at least, three years of work experience. 
While the chances of gaining access to work in Canada take time and depend on the professional conditions met, the best advice is for you to be aware about the labor market of the city where you plan your journey to settle in Canada. 


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