Last modified 01/23/2024
Sweet & Romantic quotes
to say “I miss you”
Everybody miss someone, that is not new, but it is not necessary the other person goes to the other side of the world to miss him or her. We can miss a person even if that person has gone for a month, a week, a day or an hour.
If at this moment right now, you miss someone and you can take that person away from your mind, do not loss the chance to say it. You might send a sweet text message with your cell phone saying that you are dying to see that person, you miss he or she so much.
Here I will show you some nice words to send to that special person you miss, they can be change according with your situation and style.
Download romantic I miss you text message :
– I miss you so much, the only things on my mind are the day when I will see you again and how I am going to do to never let you go again.
Category : I miss you text message
– When you are not along with me I feel like the time stops and that is something a I cannot resist, everyday your absent is bigger.
Category : I miss you text message
– I feel an empty space in my heart every time I see you go, I miss you so much.
Category : I miss you text message
– I know you just left yesterday, but since then, I cannot take you out of mi mind a single minute.
Category : I miss you text message
– I miss you so much, if it wasn’t because every time I close my eyes I see your beautiful little face, I would be already crazy of love.
Category : I miss you text message

Romantic I miss you quotes and wordings :
– My heart is really sad because it just know that today will be another day without you.
Category :Romantic miss you text message
– Tomorrow when you will be along with me, I will show you how much you mean in my life and all damage caused since you left.
Category :Romantic miss you text message
– I came to the conclusion that thanks to you I am a new person, so I need you because I do not want to be the person I was before I met you .
Category :Romantic miss you text message
– Since I wake up the only thing I do is missing you and I dream about the day we will be together again.
Category :Romantic miss you text message
– I need you, please comeback soon, I cannot sleep thinking about you every night.
Category :Romantic miss you text message

I miss you and missing someone quotes :
– If you miss me as much as I do, you must look at our photo album and you will feel I am close to you.
Category : Sweet I miss you quotes
– These many hours without you make feel that the love is gathering inside me, tomorrow you will be flooded in love by me.
Category : Sweet I miss you quotes
– Our love is so beautiful that I wish we will never be away anymore, I miss you and I die to see you again.
Category : Sweet I miss you quotes
– I miss you so much that I thought about replacing you, but I realize that there is nobody around the world who makes me feel the way you do.
Category : Sweet I miss you quotes
– Sorry for what I am going to do but I miss you so much, I heading to your house to pick you up and have a beautiful dinner together.
Category : Sweet I miss you quotes

Best I miss you quotes & images thinking about you :
– I decided I will see you before this horrible week end because I miss you. So I just bought my ticket and I am going to see you this week.
Category : I miss you love images
– Every minute by your side makes me the happiest man over the world. However, since you are gone I miss to be that person again.
Category : I miss you love images
– I know you left a few minutes ago, but I am dying because you took my heart with you, come and give my heart please.
Category : I miss you love images
– Today I felt awful, I wasn’t able of getting up from the bed, I didn’t go to work, I didn’t even eat, these are many days without you and I need you to live.
Category : I miss you love images
– I miss you when I wake up, when I smile, when I cry, when a close my eyes, and I miss you even more because I know you miss me too.
Category : I miss you love images

Quotes about missing someone you love with beautiful images :
– I love you and I miss you. I want to have you by my side and be happy again.
Category : Cute love quotes & sayings
– Please. Do not leave me because I will not resist without you.
Category : Cute love quotes & sayings
– I miss you, I miss you, I miss you I miss you… sorry but these are the only words coming out from me right now.
Category : Cute love quotes & sayings
– There are many thing that I learned from you, for example, today I learned that it hurts so much to miss a person like you
Category : Cute love quotes & sayings
– Sorry because I went away from you, today I found out I cannot be without you, please tell me that you think about me too and will never go away again.
Category : Cute love quotes & sayings

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Images by:
Image: Paul Brentnall /
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