Last modified 10/07/2023

Answers in a job interview: what are your expectations and aspirations for this new job? :

We will go through many stages before we land a job. Besides sending our resume and perhaps even passing a knowledge test, the job interview with the employer is the most important assessment. In the job interview, the interviewer will verify some of the facts included in our resume and will ask questions related to the position we are applying for.

Several questions will be related to our capacities and previous knowledge, but there will also be questions about personal interests, as they will help the employer to know the candidate a little better. Are you about to have a job interview and want to know how to answer certain questions?.

In this article we tell you how and what you should answer in this kind of interview. And we will also give you some tips so you can express your aspirations and expectations.

Confidence :
This is a very important factor in a job interview. When asked by the interviewer, do not hesitate or think too much when answering, as it will show your lack of personality and nervousness. For example, if they ask you why you want to work with them, you might answer you think it is a marvelous place to grow professionally.

Thus you will have answered clearly and briefly, and you will show confidence in your answer. Keep in mind that people show confidence when they look into the eyes as they speak, use a good voice tone and keep their hands quiet.

Brevity :
Most job interviews are part of a selection process. Therefore, when in a job interview, try to be brief and concise when answering, which will help the interviewer to ask more important questions and so they will know your skills better.

For example, if they ask you about your working experience, sum it up to your last two job positions and the time you worked there. Do not mention topics like why you are no longer working there or the working hours you had there. Do so only if the interviewer asks you to.

Goals :
During your job interview, the employer will ask you about your expectations and aspirations for your next job. The best you can do in this part is to answer honestly.

Remember not to exaggerate or be too humble. Showing some ambition might help the interviewer see you as someone willing of sacrifices for the company´s and your own good. And as we mentioned above, do it briefly and show confidence in your answers.

Image: Ambro /

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