Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday poems for a friend, birthday quotations for a friend, birthday sms for a friend, birthday text messages for a friend, birthday texts for a friend, birthday thoughts for a friend, birthday verses for a friend, birthday wordings for a friendBirthday wishes for a friend

We all want to have happy birthday with the people we love. Birthdays are just once a year, for that reason, people want to have nice time in this special day. A friend’s birthday is the perfect occasion to visit him/her, to give a present and make feel happy. There’s nothing better than love in a birthday. Be with friends and family is always the best.
Is one of your friends about to celebrate a new birthday? Is he or she far from you? If so, you can send them birthday wishes. Post these birthday wishes on your friend’s facebook or send them as SMS. Do it and wish your friend a happy birthday.
Free list of birthday wishes for a friend:
:: “Dear friend, I know this is an special day for you and I wish the best for you, you deserve it more than anyone else, happy birthday”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Today is your birthday and I’m happy for you, every year that passes you become a better person, happy birthday friend”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “I can forget many things in my life except for my friends and the dates that are special for them, friends like you, happy birthday”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “I think about you because you’re unique and special, happy birthday my dear friend”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “I wish you a happy birthday, feel happy for this new year in your life; you’ll reach your dreams”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “You are a person who looks better year after year; I hope you’ll pass a happy birthday”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “When it’s your birthday I always get up early and I’m so happy as if it’s mine, happy birthday friend”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Enjoy every moment in this day and never forget how wonderful is to celebrate a new birthday, I send you a big hug”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “It’s been so long I see you but I remember you, today is your birthday and I wish you the best”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Congrats because you are the friend who makes me laughs a lot, today is your birthday and I want you to laugh too”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Every year comes with a new pack full of dreams and goals, I’m sure they are going to become real, happy birthday”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “When I remember something funny you are always in my mind, you’re a good friend, I love you, receive my best wishes for your birthday”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “A kiss and a hug are enough to express my love for you, I wish you a happy birthday dear friend”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “The time passes and we become older every year but our friendship will keep us young forever, happy birthday”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “You used to be just a friend but now you are like a brother for me, I wish you a happy birthday since the bottom of my heart”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
We hope these birthday wishes for a friend will like you and your friends too. Remember, a birthday is a gift of life

Send your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, birthday messages for a friend , and will be published, others friends will thank you .

birthday messages for a friend, birthday phrases for a friend, birthday poems for a friend, birthday quotations for a friend, birthday sms for a friend, birthday text messages for a friend, birthday texts for a friend, birthday thoughts for a friend, birthday verses for a friend, birthday wordings for a friend

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