Last modified 01/22/2024

Condolences text messages and phrases :

The passing away of someone dear is a very painful moment in life. Although we all know that we will leave this world, we still are in pain when someone close to us dies. Thinking of this, we give you a list of phrases of condolence for those difficult times in life.

Free condolences text messages :

:: “Death has taken his body, but his spirit will always be with us and in our hearts”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “We know his passing away is deeply felt and we will miss him, but we also know he is in heaven now”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “Do not try to figure out or understand why he left us. That is life. He is now resting in peace eternally”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “His death must not make us sad. Let us understand his spirit is at peace now. He was very happy while he was with us”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “His passing away has plunged our souls into mourning, but let us understand life has a beginning and an end. While he was here, he enjoyed every moment to the max”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “We will never forget his laughter, gaze and personality. Remember: although these are hard times, we should be soothed thinking of the good times we spent together”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “Although he is no longer with us, we will always remember the things he did”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “This moment is very painful, but our love for you will be even greater because you will always live inside us”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “I know that words or gestures could not sooth your current pain, but you must know that death sometimes gives peace to those suffering the most”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “Grieving for his passing away is natural, but be happy that his disease is finally over and thus his suffering”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “Losing someone dear will always be painful. Let us look ahead and let his death inspire us to live happily, just like he used to”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “I found out about his death yesterday and my world seemed to stop making sense. But today I understand this is just another trial in my life”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “As we closed his eyes for the last time, we realized things would change forever. But let us remember what he used to say: “Cheer up, there is only one life”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “We know it is hard to deal with these moments, but remember you can always count on me for whatever you need. Let his passing away keep us closer together”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “When we start a new day we do not know if we will see our family again. Today God has decided to take the person we love the most away. This is his will”.
Category :Condolences text messages

:: “Today death has covered us with its dark cloak, but the light of hope will ease our sadness tomorrow”.
Category :Condolences text messages

We hope these condolence phrases will comfort you on this deep sadness caused by the passing away of someone dear.

Send your condolences phrases,condolences text messages,condolences quotes for cell phones and will be published , others friends will thank you .

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