Last modified 01/21/2024

birth greetings, birth messages, birth smsNice messages for the birth of a baby girl

The nine months parents to be have to wait for the arrival of the new baby are a wonderful opportunity for them. They do their best during that time to carefully make the preparations they consider necessary to give the baby the best possible welcome to this world.
Perhaps one of the most common complications parents face is whether it will have a girl or a boy, as everything they will prepare will have a different motif according to the sex of the baby. Once parents receive this news, they are filled with joy as do all their family and friends.
If someone close to you has already had the joy of the arrival of the baby to their family, you should make yourself present through a congratulatory message for the new parents. Up next we offer you a list with many possible messages you can send to the new parents to congratulate them.
Free list of messages for a baby girl’s birth:
:: “Many congratulations on the arrival of this cute little baby who comes with lots of joy and many happy days, enjoy the blessing of parenthood”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “Now a little princess has arrived to your home and she will be the happiness of your home from now on for all her life”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “The beautiful baby who you now have in your arms will become a reason to move forward. Many very beautiful and happy days await for you beside her, many congratulations”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “Such a beautiful baby could not have arrived to a better family, I know that you will be excellent parents that will provide lots of love for her. I wish you many happiness next to your new princess, God bless you”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “How beautiful is the experience of being able to have in your arms the fruit of your love, now that beautiful baby is part of your family, congratulations and triumph as parents”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “Parenthood is a great blessing that teaches you many things about life, enjoy the company of this beautiful and tender baby girl, congratulations”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “One of the greatest gifts God can give us is the power to become parents, now that you are participating in this great blessing your days will be filled with more happiness and joy. That baby will become a great woman, congratulations”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “Being parents of a healthy and beautiful like you have must be a wonderful experience. Congratulations on such a beautiful baby”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “From now on this beautiful girl will be the center of your lives and in return you will see how much happiness will come to your home. I know you will be excellent parents, congratulations”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “Today is an unforgettable day for all as the arrival of a sweet and tender baby is a wonderful event, congratulations to both, I know you will be a very happy and united family”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
:: “Now that you are parents a great joy they must be conquering you, that beautiful baby will represent all the love you have for each other, and now that the family grew there will be even more happiness, congratulations”.
Category : baby girl’s birth messages
Send one of these phrases to the new parents and you will see how glad and grateful they feel for you sharing your feelings with them.
Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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