Last modified 10/07/2023

how to write a congratulations letter, congratulations letter, tips for writing a congratulations letterCongratulations letter sample for good performance

People worth your effort and perseverance when they see you are doing things well. For example, it’s known that an employee is more efficient if their co-workers motive him/her. Some companies select monthly the “employee of the month” when an employee had an outstanding performance.
Other companies prefer to congratulate the best employees in person. These are some company strategies to motivate their staff and make them feel comfortable in their workplace. How to congratulate a good employee?
In this article you’ll find 2 congratulation letter samples for good performance. Sending this letters is the best idea to congratulate the best employees.
Sample n°1
Bernie S Wales
Lombardy Co.
542 Requiem Street
SD – California – 92101
0871 – 8127189189
July 6th – 2011
Kenneth A MacArthur
Lombardy Co.
Maintenance staff
Dear Mr. MacArthur
I send you this letter because I want to congratulate you for the outstanding performance you did in June 2011 as the team leader of the maintenance staff. The maintenance work in all the machines was great; there are no problem reports.
The staff you leaded had a good job too. Thank of that, we delivered all the products on time, and we execute all our business agreements. Congratulations again Mr. MacArthur, I hope you keep working the same way to make this company the best.
Respectfully yours
Bernie S Wales
Lombardy Co.
Head Manager.
Sample n° 2
Anthony Kerning
Antonio’s Restaurant
684 Helmand Street
SD – California – 92105
0499 – 6849358696
March 16th – 2012
Paul Norman
Antonio’s Restaurant
Dear Mr. Norman
I send you this letter to congratulate you for your first year in this restaurant. Let me tell you is an honor that you’re working here as one of the main Chefs. Thanks to your good tasting and the personal style you give to all of your dishes, we’re one of the most popular restaurants in this year.
I don’t want to finish this letter without telling you are very talented and we are sure you will continue cooking in the same way for a long, long time.
Respectfully yours
Anthony Kerning
Antonio’s Restaurant
Head Manager
As you can see, both congratulation letter samples for good performance are very short and they have a clear objective, motivate the best workers and make them feel as an important part of the company or business.

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