Last modified 01/16/2024

Birthday SMS, Birthday texts, Birthday thoughtsNice Birthday messages for a friend

Greet one of our friends when is fulfilling one more year is something more significant than just say “happy birthday”. Words that express our good wishes will be well received for the birthday boy. If among your group of friends someone is celebrating one more year of life, dedicate him a nice phrase that makes him feel very special.
Next we will show you a list with birthday congratulations for a friend. Take a look and choose what you like the most and send it by text message, post it in his Facebook wall and/or twitter or also you can send it by Whatsapp and he will feel very happy and grateful.
Free list of birthday messages for a friend:
:: “You are a great guy and for that I appreciate you much. Thanks for being dispose to listen me, to advice me and especially I thank you for being a good friend. I wish you much happiness in this day, have a beautiful birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Having your company always is very special because we have fun and spend very special times. Today that you are celebrating one more year of life I hope that all your dreams come true. God bless you much”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “When we were young we had fun with toys, now we have fun conquering beautiful ladies. You are my best friend and for that in this day I wish you much happiness. Spend a nice birthday!”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Our friendship born in the childhood and since then we are like brothers. In all the good memories of my life there you are always. I hope that you have a nice birthday and that all your dreams come true”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “I will be thankful with you because in the hardest moments of my life you were at my side giving me your support and advices. I love you much and I hope that you have a nice birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “I’m very lucky for having friends so specials like you. In the moment that the others left me you were always at my side. I wish that our friendship lasts forever. Have a happy birthday and God bless you a lot!”
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “I can’t waste this opportunity to say you that I appreciate you a lot because you are an excellent friend. You always have shown me that you friendship is sincere and for that I consider you as part of my family. I hope that you be very happy today and always, spend a nice birthday”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Time passes and every day our friendship becomes stronger. I feel very happy for have known you and today that you are fulfilling one more year of life I want to say you that I wish you all the happiness in the world”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
:: “Happy birthday dear friend! Have a lot of fun and God helps you to all your desires come true. I send you a warm hug”.
Category :birthday messages for a friend
We wish that these birthday congratulations for a friend have been to your liking. Your friend will be very happy when receives one of these nice greets”.
Image courtesy of “digitalart” /

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