Last modified 01/24/2024

Sweet anniversary phrases

sweet anniversary wishes for boyfriend
Searching original & sweet anniversary text messages ? Every day brings many memories, but there are so special days that bring us the best memories we have, the happiest and most accomplished, that is why when an anniversary is celebrated, it is perfect to share cute anniversary phrases.
An unforgettable day, full of romanticism and happiness is what is waiting for you and for the love of your life. Start with the celebration by sharing a beautiful happy anniversary message which contains the best of your feelings.
Do not wait longer and send your congratulations through some romantic and original anniversary phrases. You can use any of the ones you will find right away.

Send cute happy anniversary wishes

:: “Honey, what happiness that today we fulfill another year of relationship. I adore you and I hope you like all the surprises I’ve prepared”.
Category: Happy anniversary wishes
:: “12 months more together is reason for pride, happiness and a reason more than enough to celebrate big. Congratulations darling!”
Category: Happy anniversary wishes
:: “It’s our anniversary, my love and I’m happy because our love is growing. You’re my worship!”
Category: Happy anniversary wishes
:: “Congratulations for our anniversary, sweetheart. Let’s have a beautiful day and let’s continue together all our lives”.
Category: Happy anniversary wishes
:: “Happy Anniversary, my life. I thank you for these 365 beautiful days in which you have taught me how beautiful love is”.
Category: Happy anniversary wishes
:: “My heaven, one more year with you is a gift from God, I love you and every day I will take care of you and give you my best”.
Category: Happy anniversary wishes
:: “Honey, there are no words to describe how happy I am for the arrival of our anniversary. Congratulations!”
Category: Happy anniversary wishes
:: “What an immense joy I feel today that we’ve been together one more year. You are my greatest blessing”.
Category: Happy anniversary wishesanniversary pictures to download

Download sweet happy anniversary quotes for Her

:: “I dedicate this greeting to you with all my love. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart, let’s celebrate many more years”.
Category: Anniversary quotes for Girlfriend
:: “A beautiful feeling was born between us a year ago and a great emotion overwhelms me because today we will celebrate this important event. Happy Anniversary!”
Category: Anniversary quotes for Girlfriend
:: “Our love fulfills one more year; we have gone through good and bad times, but we have always been united and that will never change. I love you!”
Category: Anniversary quotes for Girlfriend
:: “Congratulations on our anniversary, thank you for making me so happy and for all you do to please my heart”.
Category: Anniversary quotes for Girlfriend
:: “A beautiful love story started a year ago and I would choose you again if it were possible because you are my soul mate. Congratulations!”
Category: Anniversary quotes for Girlfriend
:: “It’s our anniversary and I want us to have an unforgettable day in which happiness fills our hearts”.
Category: Anniversary quotes for Girlfriend
This will be just one more of the many anniversaries that will wait for you and your partner, express your most beautiful feelings through the beautiful anniversary phrases for the love of your life that we have brought you.
Visit us so you can always have on hand the most innovative greeting phrases to share on social networks.

The best anniversary
text messages

There are innumerable reasons we have to celebrate; in fact life itself should be a party, so in those special dates, we must dedicate the most beautiful Happy Anniversary words. You can do this through social medias.
Your anniversary is a very important date in which good wishes should abound and of course the cutest anniversary messages. Do not worry because here you will find the best ones.
Get ready to make this party one of the most memorable moments for your partner, surprise him with a beautiful gift, with a very original celebration and with the romantic happy anniversary messages that we bring to you.

Download free anniversary text messages

:: “I love you with all my soul and it seems incredible that it has been a year since we decided to be together. Congratulations!”
Category: Anniversary text messages
:: “You are the great love of my life and I thank heaven for having you one more year with me. Happy Anniversary!”
Category: Anniversary text messages
:: “Today is not any day, no! It’s our anniversary and we’re going to celebrate in a way we’ll always remember”.
Category: Anniversary text messages
:: “This will be one of the most beautiful days of our existence because we will celebrate our anniversary. Congratulations!”
Category: Anniversary text messages
:: “I love you so much my life that I cannot even describe it with words, but with facts I will show it to you every day. Congratulations!”
Category: Anniversary text messages
:: “Your love is mine and my love is yours, so it will always be because we were born to love each other. Congratulations on our anniversary honey! ”
Category: Anniversary text messagesanniversary sentences and images

Sweet happy anniversary my love phrases

:: “A day like this we started the most beautiful relationship of all. Thousands of congratulations for our anniversary”.
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
:: “A walk, a gift and to close: a romantic dinner, that is what awaits us on this day. Happy Anniversary!. Congratulations!”
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
:: “There is no such great love as this and proof of this is that today we are celebrating one more year together. Happy Anniversary darling”.
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
:: “You are very special to me and I love you with all my soul. Happy Anniversary! May it be many more years that we are together and in love”.
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
:: “At your side life is totally beautiful; Thank you for giving me the most incredible 12 months of my entire existence. Happy Anniversary!”
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
:: “Sweetheart, thousands of congratulations for our anniversary; May we remember forever this day and that this beautiful feeling accompanies us until the end of our days”.
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
:: “Thank you for giving me another year to your side, you are and will forever be the most important person in my life. Happy Anniversary!”
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
:: “My life, congratulations for our anniversary. You are the most beautiful gift that God has given me and I will always take care of you”.
Category: Happy anniversary phrases
A beautiful text containing the most wonderful anniversary congratulations for your partner is a very special gift, one that can awake great joys in his heart.
Do not forget to frequent our page; here we wait for you with more cute congratulation messages for all occasions.

First anniversary letter
for my girlfriend

Celebrating your first anniversary is a unique moment that you and your girlfriend will remember forever with joy, that is why you must make the preparations to show her your love and make her feel very happy.
There is so much you can do to make this an unforgettable day for your girlfriend, but what cannot forget is to share some beautiful and romantic words with her through a love letter in which you express your deepest feelings for her.
On this occasion we offer you two examples of love letters you can send to your girlfriend on your first anniversary, so choose the one that suits you most, give it a personal touch and dedicate it to her with all your love.

download messages of anniversary

Example 1 of a first anniversary letter for a girlfriend

For: The princess of my heart.
From: Your sweetheart.
My beautiful girl, today we celebrate our anniversary and as it is the first one of many we will celebrate, I want it to be extremely special, which is why I want to express my deepest and most sincere feelings through this love letter to you.
I perfectly remember the first time I saw you because I was extremely impressed with your beauty, your sweetness that is evident through your beautiful eyes and your smile full of mischief and shyness at the same time, which made my heart fall completely in love with you.
All the time we have shared together has been like a dream that has come true; I want to thank you because I have been able to feel your love on these 365 days and you have made me feel the happiest man in the whole world.
I want to make a very special promise to you, I want to tell you that my heart belongs completely to you and that it will be yours today, tomorrow and for ever, and I also want to promise you that my efforts will be focused on making you happy because I want our love to last forever.
I wish you a happy anniversary and remember that I love you with all my heart, with all my mind and with all my soul.
All my love has been, is and will always be for you.
(Your name here)
sweet anniversary sms

Example 2 of a first anniversary letter for a girlfriend

For: The most beautiful girl in this world.
From: The love of your life.
My beautiful princess, you cannot imagine how happy I woke up this morning because I have been waiting the arrival of our anniversary for a long time, the day on which our beautiful love story celebrates its first year of existence.
Blessed be the beautiful day in which you and I found each other on the whim of fate because as of that moment… the purest, most sincere and great love that the whole world has seen was born in our hearts to last for all eternity.
I never imagined there could exist a woman with such a striking beauty and such an amazing intelligence and, as if it were not enough, had a heart full of such beautiful feelings, so I could not help but fall in love with you forever.
I want to wish you a happy anniversary and I promise that I will dedicate every day of my life to you to make you happy and to love you.
With all my love,
(Place your name here)
Your girl will fall for you even more when she receives any of these love letters, so do not forget to dedicate any of them to her and to come back to our website for more romantic love texts. We will be waiting for you!sweet anniversary text messages

Anniversary letter
for my girlfriend

To celebrate the first year with your girlfriend is very beautiful. It is a sign that the two of you love each other too much so you are very happy with your relationship.
If you meet a year of dating with your girl, let her know how important she is for you and how happy you feel for every day that you spend with her. Do you want to tell your girlfriend how important she is for you?
In this article we present two examples of notes to your girlfriend for the first anniversary. Post some of these notes on your Facebook wall or your Twitter and express how good you feel about having her love.
download messages of anniversary

Example 3 of a first anniversary letter for my girlfriend

From: Jorge
To: Rosario
My beautiful princess:
I am sending you this note because today is a very important date for us both, I feel like it was yesterday when you agreed to be my girlfriend.
There are so many things I want to say and do not know where to start so I let my feelings to say what they must say.
Every day I spent with you have been the most wonderful of my life, in your arms I feel very happy and just being with you make me feel that I am full.
I love kissing your lips because I feel as we were getting immersed into a beautiful sea of love.

By your side I have learned to recognize true love, you are my motivation to be a better person and I would give the best of me to see you happy. I cannot imagine my life without your great love; you are the woman I always dreamed of.
I love you with all my strength because you are the light that illuminates my path.
Congratulations on the first anniversary of our love.

download beautiful anniversary messages

Example 4 of a first anniversary letter for my girlfriend

From: Diego
To: Viviana
My beloved Viviana:
I send this note because my heart is full of joy as today we are fulfilling our first year together. You are the greatest blessing that the Lord has given to me; on this wonderful day I want to remember how much I love you.
When we met for the first time, I experienced a beautiful feeling in my heart, no words to explain that warm feeling I felt in the chest and from that moment I fell in love surrendered at your feet.
In your tender gaze it’s reflected the great love you have for me and I can see the purity of your heart.
I feel I am very blessed to have your love, today we celebrate our first year together and I can tell you that I was never so happy.
You are the woman of my life and I will never tire of give you my love.
The love I have is bigger than you know and I know that as time passes it grows more and more. This relationship had a very beautiful start so I will not allow it to end up. I love you with all my soul.
These examples of notes for my love for the first anniversary express much love, your girl will really like that you send some to her.
romantic anniversary texts, happy anniversary texts

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