Last modified 01/26/2024

Model letter to request
an internship

How do I write an internship request letter?

What is internship letter? In almost all university careers, students in last cycles must meet the requirement of successfully completing their professional practices, and in this way ensure that lessons learned throughout his career has been complemented by the experience.
How do you ask for an internship? This training course, known in some countries as internship, is usually performed in different public and private companies that have a current agreement with the University which the student comes.
These companies usually make calls for practice at the end of each academic year and students who wish to make their practices they need to make a request letter to the company to be accepted into it.
Here we bring you two examples of letter requesting internship, you can modify and customize to present them to the company to which you want link with.

Example 1 of a letter to request an internship

Quito, May 15th, 2018
Hernando Gomez Guaman
760 Conquistadors Avenue
Phone 6708234
Office of Human Resources
Orchids Street No 234
Phone 2301560
Dear Sirs:
Through this, I Hernando Gomez Guaman, from senior cycle in the career of Electrical Engineering at the University of the Andes Santo Toribio make my respective presentation to you in order to do my internship in your prestigious company.
As you know an important part of my university in conducting internships in companies related to the field of study in which we test our knowledge and develop the skills needed to develop ourselves at a professional level with efficiency and effectiveness.
Therefore, finding myself in the last cycle of my career, I am looking for a company in which to develop my practice, and as you know, develop a graduation project to be supervised and approved by a panel of professionals in my University.
Thank you very much for the attention you can give to this request and I hope to have the opportunity to do my internship at a renowned company like yours. For my part I will put all of me, my dedication and my best.
Hernando Gomez Guaman
Student from Senior Cycle of Electrical Engineering.
University of Santo Toribio de los Andes

Example 2 of a letter to request an internship 

Medellín, June 10th, 2018
Andrea Lopez Oropeza
45 Street No 23-10
HR Department
93 Street No 45-20
Tel 4260060
Kind regards:
Through this, I Andrea Lopez Oropeza, a sixth cycle of International Cooking career at the Los Libertadores University, I do my respective presentation to you.
As a student of the last cycle of the career, I am looking for a renowned company in which I can perform my internship. This is a fundamental requirement in order to complete my career and receive the respective international certification as a Chef.
Within my group I feature as one of the best students, having the highest average and the recommendations of my teachers for my internship at a prestigious institution. I have the knowledge necessary in the preparation of various dishes of international cuisine.
It is my wish to link me to its renowned restaurant chain through my practice. My commitment is to be a trusted and highlight the quality of my work.
Andrea Lopez Oropeza
Student of International Cuisine
Los Libertadores University

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Images courtesy of “” . Modified by

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