Last modified 01/16/2024

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Looking for a good break up letter samples ? .Start a relationship makes us very happy, but when the relationship can’t continue and we decided to put an end, it turns very sad.
If you feel that things with your girlfriend are not the same as before and that you left away the love you had for her once, the best you can do is tell her the truth to avoid further problems. If you can’t bear it to tell her in person, there are other ways to do it.
For example, you can write her a letter that will explain the reasons that led you to decide the breakdown of the relationship and thus avoiding her eyes not to cause more pain. In this article we leave you two samples of letters to end your love.

Example No. 1 of a letter to end a relationship

From: Alberto
To: Daniela
Hi Elizabeth, I want to communicate to you something very complicated so I decide to make it through this. At the beginning of our relationship things were very nice, we loved one to each other and enjoyed being together every day, but as the months went by I began to feel different with everything around you.
We have had many personal obligations to attend to in our day to day, which are very time consuming. Lately we have been making our effort to see each other and try to remedy things but we have not gotten results.
It is sad to know that our relationship has come to this point but I feel I can’t do anything. The love I felt once is gone. Do not try to see who is guiltier, just accept that it ended.
Making this decision was not easy for me, and I know it will hurt you but it is better not continue hurting us.
I will always remember you wit esteem.
May all go well,

Example No. 2 of a letter to end a relationship

From: Nicolas
To: Rita
Dear Rita,
I am sending you this because there’s something I want you to know. Our relationship had a nice start, we knew each other years before being in love and this love affair began because between you and me began was something more than friendship.
The best memories I have are with you and it saddens me to think that they will be just part of the past. I can hardly tell you this, but ours can’t continue. Rita, you are a beautiful woman and I like you but the magic is over.
I tried to talk to you about it but I never did because I was afraid of making you more harm. We get along but not enough, there’s no passion between us. I wanted this moment never comes, but feelings change and we can’t control what your heart dictates.
Now is better than each of us to continue our path and follow our hearts, not being trapped in a relationship that has no future. Do not think it’s been easy for me. I hope everything can go very well and you can find love in someone who knows how to appreciate you.
I would ask you to be friends but if you don’t I will understand.
Take care and I hope you can understand me,
These sample letters to end the relationship with your girlfriend will help you get an idea of how to write a letter with this motive and express your ideas as you would want to.

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