Last modified 01/25/2024
We all want to have a job that is better paid and where better working conditions can be offered to us, it is for this reason that we never stop to consider other job options. But before you accept a job offer is necessary to waive to the actual job. A right that every employee has is the power to quit from job for reasons it deems necessary.
For a waiver to be assumed the worker must prepare a document that explains the situations that have led to this decision and submit it to the Human Resources office. It is very important that the employee becomes formal and respectful when writing this letter because it must strive to maintain the best relations with the company that moves and should also seek to express gratitude for the time he has served. To help you write your letter of resignation in this section we bring you two examples which you can customize and use.
Example No. 1 of a quit a job letter
Montevideo, October 10th, 2013
Washington Zanetti García
640 Artigas Street
Phone 2905034
Office of Human Resources
Emancipation Av No 356
Phone 2936579
To whom it may concern:
The purpose of this letter is to convey my greetings to the area of Human Resources to inform what comes next.
I want to communicate that from the 30th of this month I will leave my work position at this company. My current job contract is fulfilled, and it is my desire to seek new horizons to continue growing professionally. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to your company for the opportunity to be part of your team. Throughout the time I have been at Deruitre SA I have learned quite a few things related to my profession and I did very good friends, now the time has come to seize new opportunities.
I will never forget the experience I had with your company and I bid you farewell but not before wishing you every success.
Washington Zanetti García
Civil engineer
Example No. 2 of a quit a job letter:
Caracas, October 25th, 2013
Angela Perez Luna
340 Bolivar Avenue
Phone 2228056
Bolivarian Wings University
HR Office
902 Reategui Av
Phone 4502600
To whom it may concern:
Through this letter I get in contact with the Human Resources area of the Bolivarian Wings University to your knowledge what follows.
I will leave my teaching duties in the area of applied mathematics from November 1st this year. The main reason why I want to finish my employment relationship with the university is because it has presented me a job opportunity offering me better conditions and remuneration, so I have decided to accept it.
Before making cash withdrawal is my desire to thank your prestigious institution for the opportunity you have given me for a career in the field of mathematics. It has been a very enriching experience that has given me great satisfaction.
Thank you for all the time I have served you and I wish the best to all the faculty, staff and students of this school.
Angela Perez Luna
Applied mathematics Teacher
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