Last modified 10/07/2023

vacations notification, Work, work lettersNice vacations notification letter

Labor laws require that every employee is allowed to receive a vacation period at one year of work. The custom is that the holiday period is taken by the employee in full, for example 30 days, but the case in which you can choose to divide into two periods of 15 days each, it must have an agreement between the employer and employee.
Each country has a different labor law but some things are common in all of them. For example the age of the employee influence on the granting of the holiday, so the more experience a employee has, larger are the possibilities of taking a long vacation.
Another thing that is common across countries, on the subject of holidays, is the manner in which the employee is notified about the period in which it is awarded. This job is done by a letter and left as proof of compliance of the company with the rights of the employee.
In each country the laws stipulate in advance the time by which the notice must be given to the employee, but on average this time varies between 2 months and 15 days.
The letter of notification must meet certain requirements, for example, must state when it will start and when will end the holiday period, a summary of the days taken vacation and the exact date on which the employee must reenter.
Here we bring you three examples of reports that you can review and customize to give to your workers and notify them of your next vacation.
Example 1 of a vacations notification letter:
Trujillo, September 15th, 2013
Dear Miss Carolina Perez
Through this we extend our warmest greetings and inform you that the time worked for you in our company has completed a full year in a row, which is why through our office of Labor Resources we notified you that you will have 30 days of vacation according to the labor law of our country.
Your vacation will begin on October 1st, 2013 and will end on October 30th, 2013. The date of return to duty will be on October 31st of this year.
Carlos Bueno
Head of Human Resources Area.
Example 2 of a vacations notification letter:
Arequipa, September 10th, 2013
Mr. Alejandro Guzmán
By hereby I notified that compliance with labor legislation, you have completed a full year of uninterrupted work for our company, so you will be granted with vacation this year for a period of 30 consecutive days.
We also inform you that the first day of your holiday will be 15th of this month and end on October 14th. Therefore rejoining the company will be on October 15th.
Hopefully you will enjoy your vacation time.
Julia Paredes Homes
Head of Humar Resources.
Example 3 of a vacations notification letter:
Lima, September 20th, 2013
Dear Mr. Horacio Huaman:
We are pleased to extend our warmest greetings to let you know the following.
Having completed a full year of continuously work in our company and in line with current employment legislation, it corresponds to allow you to take a period of leave of 30 days began on October 1st, 2013 and end on October 30th this year.
The scheduled date for their return to their jobs in our company will be November 1st, 2013.
Warmest regards,
Omayra Mamani
Head of Human Resources
Image courtesy of “dan” /

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