Last modified 01/23/2024
Best love messages
from the heart
Looking for sweet love quotes for WhatsApp ? It is normal that throughout the day you feel like telling your partner how much you love him and that is why you have thought about writing a nice love text to send by cell phone, but you will need to find those precise words that describe what you feel.
We are here to help you express your feelings; that is why in this section we bring you some sweet new love phrases, perfect for you to share with the love of your life at any time.
Choose any of the original romantic texts that we bring you next and use them as this bridge that will bring all your deepest feelings to the heart of the person you love most in the world.
Download best top sweet & flirty text messages for girlfriend
:: “You are the most beautiful gift that fate has given me, that’s why I love you, that’s why I take care of you every moment of my life”.
Category: Flirty text messages
:: “I feel the fullness of happiness every time you give me one of your hugs that makes me feel like I’m falling apart and that I fly in the air”.
Category: Flirty text messages
:: “As if it were a dream I have you with me and there is absolutely nothing that can be compared to the joy you give me”.
Category: Flirty text messages
:: “Again and again I will tell you that I love you and I will take care of you because for me there is no one more important than you”.
Category: Flirty text messages
:: “I want to draw hearts in the heavens and write on the sand how much I love you and take you by the hand and together we move on a path that will never end”.
Category: Flirty text messages
:: “The tenderness in each of your kisses leaves me no doubt that you love me with all your strength”.
Category: Flirty text messages
Deep love quotes to express how you really feel
:: “I would not be anything if I did not have your love because it is the force that motivates me every day, because it is the greatest inspiration in this life”.
Category: Whatsapp love quotes
:: “I am forgetting my fears, I am letting go of the grudges because you have taught me that to love, one has to walk lightly, carrying only joy in the soul”.
Category: Whatsapp love quotes
:: “Sometimes I would like to be able to stop the time so that none of the beautiful moments I enjoy by your side would pass”.
Category: Whatsapp love quotes
:: “Your love has managed to start seeing everything with new eyes and do you know that what I’ve used to see black and white now is in colors”.
Category: Whatsapp love quotes
:: “You came to restore my hopes in love and show me that a rainbow of colors appears after a storm in the heart”.
Category: Whatsapp love quotes
:: “I waited a long time for you and finally life has cross our paths. I’m truly happy and I want you to know that I deeply love you”.
Category: Whatsapp love quotes
On our site you will find many original love messages for your partner, so visit our sections where you will always have at hand the sweetest love phrases of the network. Visit us whenever you want!
Romantic phrases that melt hearts
To our partner we express our feelings in many different ways, either through a hug, a tender look or a passionate kiss, but also you could use a very sweet love phrase.
Words can be very simple, but very direct and effective when it comes to expressing love, that is why we want to share some beautiful romantic texts that you will surely want to share with the person that you love very much.
Why not surprise your partner with an original love text? Just take your cell phone, choose the phrase that you like most from the following list and share it to fill your heart with the purest and sincere love.

Sweet and touching I love you text messages for girlfriend
:: “I did not choose to fall in love with you, love came suddenly, but it came at the perfect moment”.
Category: Sweet messages for girlfriend
:: “Ours relationship started unintentionally and now you have become the most important person in my life, whom I will always love”.
Category: Sweet messages for girlfriend
:: “I felt imprisoned by loneliness, but you took me in your arms to rescue me and take me to the sky with each of your kisses”.
Category: Sweet messages for girlfriend
:: “The love we feel has gone through many tests and if it has been able to overcome them all it is because this feeling is strong and true”.
Category: Sweet messages for girlfriend
:: “My life changed from the first moment I saw you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone! ”
Category: Sweet messages for girlfriend
:: “When I fell in love with you I did not know all the happiness that awaited me and all the magic I was going to discover in your being. I love you!”
Category: Sweet messages for girlfriend
Beautiful love text messages to send by Messenger
:: “I bless the day I met you and every step I took to approach you because now by your side I feel like the happiest person in the world”.
Category: Messenger love text messages
:: “My thoughts turn and revolve around you; I do not know what would happen tomorrow but I love you more than ever”.
Category: Messenger love text messages
:: “I love every moment shared with you and I miss you in the long hours of the day when I do not have you by my side”.
Category: Messenger love text messages
:: “I want to take your hand and dance in the rain, so stars could see and laugh with us”.
Category: Messenger love text messages
:: “Because of you I have learned the meaning of the word love; You have explained it to me with each kiss and each hug”.
Category: Messenger love text messages
:: “We sow a little seed of love in the depths of our hearts, which we have taken care of every day, and today we enjoy its sweet fruits. I love you, my life!”
Category: Messenger love text messages
In the matter of love it will not be necessary for you to become a person skilled in writing very romantic love phrases, we will always bring you many articles with the most original romantic texts of the network. Come back again very soon!

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