Last modified 03/05/2025

Apology letters for absence
to a meeting

Download model letters on sickness absence

How do I apologize for missing a meeting? .In any business organization, all kinds of important decisions and reporting, all take place within a meeting. Because of the importance of such meetings attended by all participants it is mandatory since the future of the company is determinate there.
Yet it is possible that some of the people who should attend don’t do it for some reason. One of those reasons, which is the most common, is an illness. If one of the team members is unable to attend a meeting he must make every effort to inform it before the meeting, if possible, maybe the meeting can be reschedule or it can be carried out with preventions.
Of course, the most appropriate form of reporting is through a letter. In this paper we show two examples of letters of apologies for absence due to illness.

Example No. 1 of a letter to apologize for absence due to illness

Arequipa September 23, 2019
Juan Carlos Salas Diaz
Department of Finance
Misti Av n ° 5423
HR Department
Avenue Gardens No 245
Tel 354-456
To whom it may concern:
Through this, I Juan Carlos Salas Diaz, identified with ID number 455684 finance manager at SERPAR SRL company, communicate my absence to the general meeting that will be taking place on the 27th of the current month.
The reason that I cannot attend this important meeting is that on that date I will practice some tests to determine the source of my constant cramping in the arms. The date for these analyzes is indicated since last month, when I went to the hospital for the discomfort I felt.
As proof of the statement I send a copy of the doctor’s order and separate appointment for that date.
I wish you would understand me as it is a delicate situation. In any case, if the board rescheduled it , I would gladly attend the new meeting.
Juan Carlos Salas Diaz
Department of Finance

Example No. 2 of a letter to apologize for absence due to illness

Lima April 15, 2019
Luz Maria Olivares Tello
Quality Control Division
Angamos n ° 4621
ALAMBRA Textile Industries
HR Area
Av Arts This n ° 398
Phone 642 – 2801
Through this letter, I, Luz Maria Olivares Tello inform you that:
Having knowledge of the general meeting that will be held on the 25th of this month, I am sorry to inform you that it will be impossible my attendance to this meeting because I am ill and to this day I have scheduled a surgery.
Lately, I have had trouble with a mole on the foot and It was ordered its removal to prevent further complications. It’s nothing serious, but I will have to stay in bed because I won’t be able to walk.
I apologize because this surgery coincides with the general meeting so I won’t be able to attend it. I wish you understand, health is an important thing to address. Again, I reiterate my heartfelt apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Luz Maria Olivares Tello
Quality Control Division
ALAMBRA Textile Industries
We hope you liked these excellent examples of apology letters for absence to a meeting due to illness. Use them as models if you need to do it at work. Come back soon for more letters.

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Image courtesy of “imagerymajestic” /

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