Last modified 01/21/2024

new born phrases, new born sms, new born textsCongratulation messages for the new baby

Every time that a son comes to this world, all family and close friends get excited with the happiness of see him and take him with them. These little angels fallen from heaven change the life of his parents completely and fill with happiness and joy the family, and even seems like you are in the paradise.
Now we will give you some words of happiness for the prospective parents, you don’t know how happy will be them when it is received, choose what you like more and send it, because this time of their life is very special. We are sure that they will be impressed with your message. Don’t forget to read what is next.
Free list of congratulations messages for the new baby:
:: “You don’t know the happiness that this little angle fallen from heaven will bring to you. We hope that you with your baby will be very happy. We appreciate you a lot”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “Don’t forget that I’m here to help you in whatever you need, so just let me know and remember that your baby is the best gift that God could give you. Congratulations”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “I feel very excited for the coming of your little child, so you already know that he/she will fill your home with happiness. I congratulate you for the blessing that you have received”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “I know that you will be the best parents for this baby who is on the way, so you will have great joys in your home. We wish you the best”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “Time passes too fast and your baby is almost in this world, remember that I’m here to support you in whatever you need, just give him more love than material things. Congratulations”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “I know that this little angel will fill your family with a lot of bliss, and as a parents you must to give him all your love for make him very happy like he was in heaven next to God”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “You have received the most precious gift that any father could have, for that, take care of him and love him each second. Congratulations for this great moment”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “I’m sure that the baby who is on the way will make you very happy and will strengthen your home as never. Give thanks to God for this blessing. Congratulations”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “Now that you will be mom, you have a great job to give him all your love and make a good future for him. Congratulations dear mom”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “I hope now that you will have a new member of the family, you will be happier because he is coming in the right moment to fill your home with a lot of love. God bless you future parents”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
:: “I always will be by your side to support you in every circumstance and now that you will be parents, dear friends you can count with me even more. Wish you be very happy”.
Category :congratulations messages for the new baby
The biggest treasure that one can have in the life is the born of a son, because he is the divine gift that God gives you, for that, one feels very excited and happy for his arrive. Being father is not easy, but it makes you feel wonderful. Come back soon for more news because we are actualizing constantly. See you later.
Image courtesy of “Jomphong” /

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