Last modified 05/23/2024

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It feels great to start our days after having had a good rest, after having had a good night’s sleep, because that allows us to be more optimistic, to be inspired and realize how promising the many opportunities that we have are.
There is a simple way to increase these feelings and enhance their effect; all you have to do is write to the person who has your heart in her hands and wish him or her a nice day, that they make the most out of it and that you expect to see him or her later.
It will make them feel good and that happiness will accompany them for the rest of their day. Up ahead we offer you several models that may help you accomplish this.
Free examples of good morning texts:
:: “I wake up and my mind is already elsewhere; when I try to pursue it, I realize that it was obvious where it was because there were also my heart and my soul. I could not refer to another place other than with you, for you are my life. I hope you rested well and that you are already ready to face the demands of the day with a smile on your face, as only you know how to do it”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “I want your day to start full of positive vibes and with lots of strength, because that will help you have a blast. But if you want to know the real secret to do well, it is very simple and it consists of only one step: think about me. Although I am not with you right now, my soul and my mind are, and that is how I support you constantly, I love you”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “I woke up loving you even more than yesterday and I just wanted you to know that. Since the brightness of the morning is upon us, I want you to imagine that in my mind that we are already together again, as always, as I want the morning and the whole week to be. I love you”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “It feels great to start the day and that I am already completely immersed in thoughts of you, my life. I am not sure how much I can love you, you make me want to be much better. I close my eyes and it does not stop me, because I can just see you, unique, stylish, elegant, like only you know how to be. May you do great in your day, see you later; I will be missing you madly all day long”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “Each day we get a chance to wake up and live, we have to thank for it with our hearts in our hands and as honestly as possible, because it is not something as simple as it seems, it is a miracle of the Lord and we must repay Him the favor by making the most out of the time we have. So no naps, it is time to stand up and fight for a better tomorrow. I love you”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “I want you to stop for a few seconds and listen to the melodies of the birds that are trying to feed their youngsters. It is nice to think about it and all the love it brings, as I write these lines to you, my cute sweetie”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “You are what I see out my window, you are the wind on my face, and you are the sun rising and the moon going to sleep, you are everything to me. If I have you by my side, I know that everything is possible and for that I wish you a nice day”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “You are about to wake up and, as you can imagine, I cannot wait to see you, talk to you, tell you what I dreamed about last night and all the plans that I have for us. I adore you my life and I give thanks to heaven and the Lord for allowing me to love you every day of my life”.
Category: good morning texts
:: “Love, a beautiful sunrise is starting and I am thinking of your beauty and how nice your hair looks when the first rays of the sun make it shine, as it gives it a magical glow, a hue that fascinates me, the nuances there are in your hair I had not ever seen before and I am amazed by them. I wish you do great, many kisses”.
Category: good morning texts
For your partner it will be great that you dedicate a few moments of your morning to wish him or her a nice day, do not miss the opportunity.
Image courtesy of “digitalart” /

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