Last modified 01/16/2024

Best greetings for arrival
baby to family

best greetings for new arrival baby to familyThe arrival of a baby is a happy occasion for the family. The newborn’s parents are congratulated by friends and family.

But the birth of a baby not only makes the parents happy; grandparents are also joyful because of the new arrival. In this article you will find some greetings for the birth or a grandchild.

Top greetings for the birth of a grandchild 

:: “Congratulations because there is one more angel in your family”.
Category : New grandchild birthday greetings

:: “We want to greet you for the new arrival in your lives”.
Category : New grandchild birthday greetings

:: “Grandchildren are blood of your blood; love them more than you love your own children”.
Category : New grandchild birthday greetings

:: “A grandchild is your perfect complement”.
Category : New grandchild birthday greetings

:: “Your grandchild is the nicest gift your children could have given you. Love them and educate them so they become good people”.
Category : New grandchild birthday greetings

Sweet birth wishes for grandchild 

:: “We greet you for your grandchild’s arrival and we hope you enjoy this new stage”.
Category : Sweet birth wishes

:: “A grandchild is a divine gift, as your family has been blessed again”.
Category : Sweet birth wishes

:: “Let the arrival of your grandchild help you feel you are parents again, and your wisdom help you guide them down the good road”.
Category : Sweet birth wishes

:: “A new member your family has arrived along with the will to do anything you can to make them happy. Grandchildren are a reason to be happy”.
Category : Sweet birth wishes

:: “Seeing their small eyes and hands, and feeling their soft heartbeats made me feel a mother again. Every new grandchild brings happiness”.
Category : Sweet birth wishes

New baby wishes : What to write in a baby card

:: “The birth of your grandchild will gladden your hearts and motivate you to go ahead”.
Category : Whatsapp new baby wishes 

:: “You gave everything for your children, you educated them with love. Now that your grandchild is coming, make a bigger effort and use you experience to educate them”.
Category : Whatsapp new baby wishes 

:: “When your grandchild arrives, you will feel the satisfaction of being parents again. Love them and take care as if they were one more child of yours”.
Category : Whatsapp new baby wishes 

:: “The love you will feel for your grandchild is amazing. Let this be the beginning of a new happy stage for your grandchild and you”.
Category : Whatsapp new baby wishes 

:: “Let the beautiful day when your grandchild was born help unite your family and commit to love and educate them the best way possible”.
Category : Whatsapp new baby wishes 

Cute congratulations baby messages

:: “Life was beautiful with your children; it will be even more so with your new grandchild”.
Category : Congratulations baby messages

:: “Sweet angel, your arrival has helped us renew our energy and see life in a different way. Your arrival gladdens our souls”.
Category : Congratulations baby messages

:: “Your birth is a reason to get up gladly every morning”.
Category : Congratulations baby messages

:: “Having a grandchild is as nice as having a child, but the advantage this time is that we already know how to raise them”.
Category : Congratulations baby messages

We hope you liked these greetings for the arrival of a grandchild. Remember, children and grandchildren bring happiness to our homes.

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Image: Clare Bloomfield /

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