Last modified 01/25/2024

 Canada welcomes immigrants, offers financial help :
Leaving your country, immigrating implies a strong emotional charge in two main stages. First, at the time of your departure, in the moment when you leave your family and your closest friends.

Second, at the time of your arrival in the country of residence to a new reality. Now, what you need to know is that you are not alone once you have stepped into Canadian territory. 

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the types of support that exists for new immigrants to Canada. While loneliness cannot disappear from the overnight, you are not alone when you actually start living the Canadian experience. 
Know that aid to immigrants in Canada comes from three main sectors: the federal or provincial government programs, various private institutions or non – governmental organizations, and associations of the various immigrant communities. Here, we will talk specifically about the support from the Canadian government. 
The Canadian government has several institutions that provide support to newly arrived immigrants, or ‘newcomers’. This is possible due to the existing policy in Canada, reflected in the statements of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration of Canada, Diane Finley: “Their success is good (…) for Canada as a whole”. 
In Canada, there are institutions that specialize in immigration issues, such as immigrant integration services (providing advice on obtaining work), Agency for Human Resources and Skills Development of Canada – HRDC (the official national body that regulates matters relating to employment, provides all the advice and information required to start the job search). 
There are also government resources such as workshops and courses geared to immigrants, even some are taught in the native language of the immigrant.

Programs are also developed to facilitate the adaptation process of immigrants. These are: Immigrant Settlement and Adaptation Program (provides guidance and services to immigrants), Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (provides basic training in languages), Host Program (in charge of contact with immigrants volunteer to guide them in the access to and integrate into the community). 
With regard to immigrant professionals, there are various mechanisms to access the support provided by Canadian authorities. For example, we have the Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO). This body was created to provide information and referral services to internationally trained individuals use their skills and legally in Canadian territory. Another institution is the Centre Skills Development & Training. The center, among other activities, provides access to language courses, community service and assistance in job search
No doubt that the help offered by the Canadian government is immense. However, please note that neither the government nor any other institution will guarantee you a job. Your knowledge and skills will be the real tools that will allow you to open the doors of the labor market and Canadian society as a whole. 

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