Last modified 10/05/2023
I do not have much money, how I can reduce my expenses in the weekly shopping? Tips for saving money :
The money, many times, it is so short and we are always looking for more and more ways to get money enough so we can be able to buy us all the necessary food for our survival. However, in most cases, those expenses end up representing 70% of our entire money and if we try to adjust them we can end up eat poorly.
In this situation, there is a solution which allows us to eat properly without really expending too much money on it. This consists in planning our spending on just first necessity products through a list of food we have at home and so that way we can make a record of the food that, indeed, we are going to consume.
Currently, the world is going through a time of economic crisis, which is reflected in the rising of prices for some first necessity products, just shop around the markets or supermarkets in the city to notice how higher the price for food is and we see, with resignation, the way how our salary remains the same or worse than before, this is because the crisis seriously hit our pocket.
Because of these circumstances, we feel obliged to find ways how to reduce consumption and the expenses we make, but it turns out the food we buy represent the largest expense against our regular salary. For that reason, this is why we try to spend less without affecting the quality of our food.
It is important to maintain a list of all of the food we have at home, so that way we can prepare a series of meals based on these products and only then, we can consider these tips:
Make a list, every week, with the food that must be purchased, which must be fulfilled form the beginning to the end.
The first necessity products such as rice, sugar, noodles, among others, should be always in consideration, so that way you can prepare simple meals.
Locate markets or supermarkets near the house, since there is no point in moving to a distant market just because there you can find lower prices when the savings that supposedly has done will be entirely spent on transportation costs or gasoline if you pretend to use your very own vehicle.
Check on if the prices offered in the normal market are lower than those offered by a supermarket, so that way you will have a list of products you can buy in each of these places.
Occasionally, it is important to shop around the supermarkets to see the various offers on the products you need and, this way, you will be able to buy them.
– Do not buy fruits or vegetables which are not their own time.
– Buy non-perishable products in larger quantities.
– If you are hungry, you better not go shopping, because in that state you really could buy unnecessary products.
– It is better to go shopping without the kids, because they ask for things outside of schedule, and it is very difficult to tell to them “NO”.
– Currently, some supermarkets offer the service to shop online, getting lower prices, if so, use this option.
– Each time you visit the store go directly to the area of products you need, otherwise, you will be tempted to buy other products outside of your current amount of money.
– Never forget this; to be a total success at this, you must absolutely obey the list of food that you will make weekly, so this way, your expenses will be based on what you really need.
An additional fact is how essential it is to have a refrigerator or freezer at home so you can save and preserve your perishable food.
Finally, the most important advice we give you is that all of your purchases must be paid with cash and do not use debit and credit cards, because it only leads you to owe more and more money, besides you will have to pay interest, maintenance cards and many kinds of administrative charges. If you fall into this error, you absolutely cannot save some money for yourself.
In conclusion, you should consider these tips so they can help you in difficult times like this, so you can save and only spend what is necessary.
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