Last modified 10/05/2023
Sample employee termination letter ,what are the aspects I have to keep in mind ? :
To elaborate a letter to fire a worker you must keep in mind certain legal aspects the company has been taking as job norms inside the work place. The firing of an employee means that an employer or maybe a boss is breaking any link with the employee who is working at the company. Its respective communication may be orally or through another person sent by the principal manager of the company.
However, the laws demand that this kind of act must be represented by a written formalization. The letter to fire an employee must count clearly the reasons why this mentioned worker will be fired, for example, if the principal reason is the repeated unpunctuality, this letter must specify the day, hour and exactly the amount of lost time, otherwise this process to fire an inefficient employee will be denied.
Before elaborating a letter to fire an employee, you must write a little notification and then you can write this kind of letter, the notification can go this way:
Notification for the firing of an Employee
Through the present notification, I let the worker Cesilio Colnaghi Masti know that he is no longer part of our company since July 16th 1990, for inconformity of the norms stipulated on our company. So in conclusion, the job relationship between Mr. Cesilio Colnaghi Masti and the company RSA is totally broken.
When a company fires an employee for objective reasons, the written communication must be complemented with a certain amount of money as compensation which belongs to the respective worker; actually this is established by the law itself.
The firing letter must contain the respective principal name of the company which is elaborating such letter; likewise it must contain the respective signature of the principal manager of the company. A clear example of a letter to fire a worker may look like this one:
Example of letter to fire a worker:
RSA Company
In London, July 16th 1990
Dear Mr. Cesilio Colnaghi Masti
Through this present letter, we communicate you that the company and the general administration directory have decided to fire you due the services you have been offering to the company lately are no longer of high quality.
The exact reasons why the company came up with this decision are the repeated unpunctuality during the first 12 days belonging to July, the unpunctuality offered by you reach the limit of 2 hours late. The concrete days of unpunctuality are: 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12. The details of this and any other information are listed in the respective file annexed at the end of this letter.
We communicate this to you so that way you can go to the principal administration offices to receive your respective monetary compensation, so long Mr. Cesilio Colnaghi Masti
Without any other word to communicate,
Greetings from Itachi Briceno
It is really important that the letter to fire a worker is added with the concrete proofs which will justify the low performance or big faults of the employee. Besides it is also recommendable to talk with a lawyer first is happens that the letter contains a specific case .
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