Last modified 10/09/2023
How to look for a job in the Internet:
To the already wide variety of processes that can be done through the Internet, the possibility of doing one of the most tedious ones is added up: searching for a job.
Besides the classic “Job Classifieds” in the country’s newspapers, which are also published in the Internet, there are many interesting consulting sites and job agencies, who publish their available job offer billboards in the Internet. Inclusive, as some of these sites are international, a person who does not have rigid projects but some guts, might see him or herself dragged by some foreign offer and decide to try his or her luck in other lands.
The level of organization depends on each person, because these sites have certain organizational advantages, but will not follow the process for us. The ideal thing to do would be to take advantage of the Internet while the modem is online, so then, offline, you can keep up with the other, not less important, part of the job: update files, send your curriculum through e – mails to those posts which turn out to be interesting for you, schedule the itinerary you will follow when you are on the streets with several copies of your resume under your arm (which must be constantly updated, make several printed copies, etc.).
Most of the job search sites offer the possibility to receive the resumes of those who have registered on them. Registering implies fulfilling a little form with very little personal information and some ID password (such as your ID number or your e – mail, simply to know who is who). There are some consults which even offer the user the notification service through their e – mail addresses. This means that just by giving them our e – mail addresses, they will be in charge of sending us any updates and job offers as they come in.
Some details that you should take into consideration when you upload your curriculum online: when fulfilling with our information the forms designed by some of these sites, sometimes it is impossible to do it as we wish we could. On one hand, because they are pre – designed forms, many times, they do not have the option for us to write everything we would like to, which might be a course we have undertaken, a title we have, or a particular work experience. This limits a little bit the description in our profile, and only because the form does not have a space or section destined to those data and non classified comments…
Besides, fulfilling the curriculum online usually takes a very long time, which might be because they of their extension or because, sometimes, the curriculum must be loading in several parts, which have to be accepted with a click while each one of them loads.
To avoid this last issue, it is advised, as a first step, to locate and go to the web site of two or three of these sites at the same time. Then, subscribe to each one of them, which does not take a very long time. Finally locate the hyperlink which says something like: Load the C.V., in each one of the sites you have previously opened. Once you have each site with their form opened, and you have assured that they have load completely, you can unplug the modem. From that moment forward, you can calmly type down your information. When you are done fulfilling the forms, simply plug the modem again, to do the “final touch”, which will be something like clicking on a button that says something similar to “Send C.V”. or “Finish”.
As in every other area, there are some sites which are more serious than other. Some of them have the task to notify the user when his or her curriculum has been successfully received. Also, there are very few the sites which actually receive the curriculum vitae of the user (the one that each person has made), allowing a much more complete description of our profile. Another interesting alternative is the massive sent of curriculum to “sheet” lists of electronic addresses of job agencies, which can be obtained by surfing though these sites. These lists are usually really wide, but it is convenient to know that they are not always updated.
Warning: the format of this or any other e – mail list must have the adequate format to be inserted in the “For” field of the message for which it is set. This format consists in a list of electronic addresses, one next to the other, spaced between each other with a “;”. In that way, if it where necessary, you will have to “manipulate” (edit) the list so it fulfill the requirements of the format, before you copy and paste it in the “For” field of the message.
The idea of sending a message with our curriculum enclosed on it to hundreds of consultants at the same time, does not mean that we have to prepare hundreds or mails, or having to enclose our curriculum file hundreds of times. What it is about, is from setting up an e – mail with all the addresses (the ones in the “sheet” list) in the “For” field of a new message, and enclose only once the corresponding file.
Pay special attention to the following piece of advice: as it has already been mentioned, these lists might not be fully updated, and might even have addresses that do not even exist anymore, or whose inboxes are full (which is why there is the possibility they do not receive our e – mails). So, before you perform a massive sent of your curriculum, have the precaution of split up the list in several groups of no more than twenty addresses each, and then send them.