Last modified 10/07/2023

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The job interview is the main step before start working in a company. Being selected for a job interview means our profile match the company’s requirements. The main goal in a job interview is to know the candidates and to let them know about the most important issues of the job position. Details such as the salary, rights, responsibilities at workplace, work hours and others.
If you are the one in charge to interview the applicants, manage your time well in order to do a good job. Send to the applicants an email including the date and time with one or two weeks in advance.
Sending the email for the job interview in advance is a good idea to inform the job applicants, that way, they’ll make sure to have things in order for that date. However, there are some cases in which sending the email for the job interview doesn’t work due to the fact that some applicants forget the job interview date. Here you’ll see a reminder letter sample for a job interview.
This could be useful to remind the selected applicants the date and time for the job interview.
Sample n° 1 of a job interview reminder letter:
Venuz Mobile Phone Co.
HH RR Office
662 St. Cross Avenue
LA – California – 90002
January 27th – 2012
Marlon Sheen
128 Central Avenue, Block 5
LA – California – 90002
Dear Mr. Sheen
It’s a pleasure to contact with you. We send this letter to remind you that on February 9th at 9:00 AM you have a job interview in the HHRR Office in this company. This job interview is for all the ones who are applying for jobs in the sales area of the company. Venuz Mobile Phone Co. sent you the date and time for the job interview approximately a week ago and our intention is to remind you this important event.
We hope you come on time to talk about things related to the job and to know if you have the required skills for the position. If you change your mind about working for Venuz Mobile Phone Co. or you want to change the date of the job interview, we’ll appreciate to contact us by email as soon as possible.
Venuz Mobile Phone Co.
HH RR Office
On the other hand, if you are the candidate selected for the job interview and you want to remind the company about the interview date, this sample will be useful for you. Here is a reminder letter sample for a job interview to the company that selected you.
Sample n° 2 of a job interview reminder letter:
Danny Wiles
9622 Pilaf Avenue
LA – California – 90002
March 17th – 2012
Stars Shopping Center
HHRR Office
128 Illusion Avenue
LA – California – 90002
I send this letter to remind you that I was selected for a job interview at the Stars Shopping Center HHRR Office. The date and time for the job interview is March 26th at 7:00 AM. If you cancel or change the date of the job interview, please let me know as soon as possible by email or phone.
Thanks for the opportunity by the way
Best regards
Danny Wiles
Job Applicant
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