Last modified 01/27/2024

Advice on working in Spain,live and work in Spain,employment in Spain, working in Spain:

When arriving to a new country, people must get to know its reality; this implies getting to know the labor market and the available job opportunities.

Once you are in Spain, there is plenty for you to do. First of all you must know that there are diverse variants according to the city you chose to reside in.

Among these variants you will find local dialects, such as Catalan in Barcelona, for example. But what does not change in the whole Spanish territory are the ways in which you might find a job. As in the rest of the first world, it has become a trend to find a job through the specialized portals in the internet and, of course, unlike Latin America, recommendations are highly esteemed when accessing to a job position in Spain’s dynamic labor market.

As I said before, the traditional way such as newspapers and job agencies are employed less every second, which is why it is a priority to try to set a network of contacts that are able to help you getting that job, the one you left your country, family and everything else for. Now, even when it can be pretty exhausting, as any other search that is worth doing, you must not forget to be persistent and belief in yourself.

For the Spanish labor market, these are the ways you will need to travel in order to access a work offer:

Employment public services

The Spanish employment services, whether they involve the INEM or institutions that depend from Autonomous Communities (in the regional areas), they count with a net of employment offices, which offer the following services: job offers, professional orientation, employment fomentation measures, occupational professional formation, process for unemployment loans; the access to this services is open for anyone who is older than 16 years old. Generally, you can get information about job offers in Spain.

Temporal job companies

These types of companies are in charge of hiring workers to subsequently collocating them in other companies that require staff from different characteristics. This means that this is a company that outsources staff, after the hired staff is hired; it is the one in charge of developing the work. In essence, this way to access to job positions is useful when the worker wants to find a temporal job in Spain.

Communication media

In Spain, newspapers with national, regional or provincial circulation, count with a job offers section. In the Sunday editions, is where you might find more job opportunities.


  • Company websites

Nowadays, it is very usual for companies to count with their own website, in which they have detailed information of the staff they are looking for their companies. Usually, these are found in the human resources section, or under names such as “join us” or “work with us”, among others.

  • Web portals specialized in job offers

There are web portals that are specialized in publishing job offers; in these portals job offers are divided among activity and province or locality. The information it provides, basically refers to some concise description of the position, contact information to get in touch with the advertiser (in almost every case, some telephone number or e – mail).

The following, is a list of the main portals consulted in Spain:

Private colocation agencies

In the Spanish labor market, there are agencies that offer services to locate job offers for free or after a payment, according to the skills of the applier. These types of companies can lend their services to all types of workers or address themselves to specific sector, such as university students, handicaps, etc.

Finally, it must be said that the options to work in Spain are vast and that they are related to the skills qualifications each person has, it is just a matter of searching and been patient.

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