Last modified 10/09/2023

 Last cellphones, mobile phones & wireless phone :

last-mobilThanks to the entrance of the iPhone into the market, a new tendency regarding the usage of mobile phones was set. It managed to suppress the usage of a keyboard to limit the usage of fingers just for its touch screen, even though this method was previously introduces in PDAs and Palms, they all worked with a pen – like pointer, in that way, Apple changed the way of using mobile phones making it to be driven exclusively with the finger tips.

Due to iPhone’s popularity, the demands for this product were impressive, in front of that, the other mobile phone manufacturer companies reacted, even though a little bit late, in Apple’s direction, they created several adaptations to their already existent cell phones, without modifying their base structure, so they could also be driven with finger tips, that made the new generation of touch screen cell phones to rule.

However, not only the touch screen has set the new tendency for the new generation, but also the battery duration has been considered, the cell phone’s size and its width, according to the new series of applications of the new cell phones, the amount of energy they used has been compromised, because many applications such as: Internet navigation, e – mail checks, walkman and GPS localization, make our cell phone’s batteries to die before the end of the day, making it more and more necessary in this aspect; regarding the size of the cell phone, they have been considerably reduced, but this subject is more about the cell phone’s esthetics and to the model that suits the user’s taste.

In any case, the new cell phones produced today by the most known manufacturers such as LG, Apple or Nokia, pretend to exploit all the functionalities such as Web navigation, e – mail, audio and video playing, touch screen and multimedia games, meaning that if you want a cell phone just for talking and sending a SMS once in a while, the last generation devices will be completely unnecessary for you. But if, on the other hand, you are addicted by cell phones and are looking for more models and more applications, almost reaching a little laptop, the newest and modern devices make it explicit that the tendency is going to remain been the touch screen driving.

The problem that comes with the new mobile phone generation is the price, this is due to the fact that there are many payment modalities, including prepayment, by contract and subsidies, which are offered nowadays, the price difference that there is depends on the type and brand of the cell phone, for example: iPhone, even though it is usually the most expensive one, it has various applications and its innovative touch screen places it as the king, but that is not enough reason to leave aside all the other innovative cell phones, this is why here there is a list of the best cell phones of the new generation: Black Berry Storm 9500, HTC Touch 3G, LG KC910 Renoir, Motorola ROKR E8, Nokia 5800 Xpress Music, Palm treo Pro, Samsung Omnia SHG-i900 and the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1.

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