Last modified 01/23/2024

Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter, The Most Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter, Cool and Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter, Twitter Phrases, Twitter, Friendship Phrases for TwitterThe Most Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter:

It is said that nothing is more valuable than friendship. It is a feeling that cannot be bought with money or got with a college diploma.

Friendship is a spontaneous feeling that comes up among people who surround us. A good friend can help and counsel us in difficult times. A good friend will point to our mistakes hard as they may be to admit.

A friend will lend us a hand in an emergency. In other words, a good friend will share good and bad times with us. Thanks to social networks like Twitter, we can now be in contact with all our friends in cyberspace.

Through Twitter we can send short messages to our friends and tell them how much we appreciate them. In this article we present you a list of original friendship phrases for Twitter. Your friends will love reading them.

Cool and Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter:

:: “You are like a tree that gives shade in a sunny day, a true salvation. Your friendship is precious for me”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “There will be stumbles in life, but I think I could not have got up again without your help. You are a great friend”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “We have been through so much together that I lost count how long I have known you. I only know I appreciate you more and more”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “It is more important than money, it is stronger than a lion, it is more beautiful than the sky. It is our friendship. You are the nicest friend of all”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “Having you with me gives me confidence. Your words are always encouraging, and I will get far with your support. Friends forever”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “I always go to you when I need a good advice. Your friendship helps me through life”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “It is hard to imagine how anybody can be happy without friends to share good moments with. That is why I love my friends”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “Friends are like stars in the sky, not because they are far away, but because they are unique”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “There might be millions of people we meet in the world, but you can count your true friends with your fingers”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “Material things fade in time. Things that are really valuable last forever, like our friendship”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “On my saddest day you supported me. On my happiest day we celebrated without a break. You are the best friend of all”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “At some point in my life I was confused, but thanks to you I can see clearly now. Thank you for your friendship”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “It is good to know friendship is free, otherwise your friendship would surely have cost me all the money in the world”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

:: “Days, months and years will pass, and our friendship will still be as strong as it is now. Having you as a friend fills me with joy”.
Category : Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter

We hope you liked these original friendship phrases for Twitter. Remember, a friend can be our best support when we are in trouble. So, send them one of these phrases and they will surely be happy to help you when you need it.

Send your originals phrases, text messages, quotes about original friendship phrases for Twitter and will be published , others friends will thank you.

Image: ddpavumba /

Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter, The Most Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter, Cool and Original Friendship Phrases for Twitter, Twitter Phrases, Twitter, Friendship Phrases for Twitter

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