Last modified 10/05/2023
Average Salaries in Germany :
Several months ago, the German authorities informed about their need to hire more than 500,000 professional migrants, the main reason why many young people ask about salary and payments prevailing in this country.
Is it worthwhile to emigrate to a country as far, with a culture and language so different from ours? This article, find information about salaries and payments in Germany.
The first thing to know those interested in emigrating and working Germany is that higher payments are perceived by those workers the industrial sector, including pharmaceutical predominates, financial, aerospace, automotive, medical, etc.. These workers qualified may receive a salary ranging between 40,000 and 45.000 euros per year.
Professionals who earn a salary of about 35,000 euros annuals are those belonging to the media and technology communication, construction and tourism sector. Of course, we should mention this salary is increased according to the experience work shown. But surely, many are wondering what is the salary poverty line in Germany.
The truth is that there is no minimum payment or basic salary, however, the average of bad payment exists in this country is 1150 per month. The annual average is approximately 41.691 euros, salary is reduced by 25% due the payment of taxes.
It is obviusly that in Germany who perceive the best pays are professionals who have a track record, is extensive experience in the area in which they operate. For example, according to the information from the consultant Payment Scale, the average salary for three workers who have only one year of experience is of 36.554 euros per year, while for workers with experience of 4 to 9 years is 49.490 euros per year.
Also, payments in Germany also vary according to how big the company or institution is where the professional or technical work. This means that large firms offer higher payment compared to small businesses. For example, a person working in a large enterprise (more than 1000 workers) can earn a salary equivalent to 42.000 euros per year, while a worker in a small business (maximum 10 employees) can earn an annual salary of 35, 000.
Finally, payments in Germany also depends on the city work is performed. Geographically, the best payments found in the regions of Lower Saxony, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg and Hesse, payments are lower in regions Brandenburg Länder, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.
Here, we provide a table of average payments that exists monthly in Germany as occupation or employment:
Profession gross monthly salary / Euros:
Pilot 12.208
Professor 4.902
Engineer 4.196
Counter 3.622
Computer 2.915
Secretary 2.622
Miner 2, 587
Carpenter 2, 498
Nurse 2.468
Physiotherapist 2.395
Mechanical 1988
Seller 1.986
Seamstresses 1.571
Waitress 1.185
Image: renjith krishnan /