Last modified 01/20/2024

positive messages for WhatsApp, positive texts for WhatsApp, positive sms for WhatsAppNice positive quotes for WhatsApp

WhatsApp is currently and a very popular tool. All you need is a smartphone and use it undoubtedly staying connected through it with your friends and family.
If you use it you should worry about constantly updating your status right?. The status says a lot about you and shows the kind of personality you have. Must be a phrase that attracts attention and reading it you will know a little more about you. It is best to choose a positive phrase to convey joy to whoever reads it.
So today we bring you several positive statements to share them with everyone through your status in WhatsApp.
Free list of positive messages for WhatsApp:
:: “Do not expect the perfect opportunity, create it”.
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:: “If you do not get what you want is because you expected something much better”.
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:: “You will never find an opportunity if you do not want”.
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:: “Never let something or someone to defeat you. Never stop fighting for what’s important in your life”.
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:: “If you want a miracle happening in your life, give more importance to dreams than your fears”.
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:: “If you’re going to love, do it for someone who makes you a better person”.
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:: “You’re one of those people that knows how to see the opportunities and always have a happy day”.
Category :positive messages
:: “Everything happens for a reason and time that must pass. Love your life as it is”.
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:: “If something ended up in your life, it’s because something better is about to begin”.
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:: “If someone tells you that you can not achieve something, show him otherwise”.
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:: “You can doubt all but you. Never lose faith in yourself”.
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:: “Remember this well: you have no choice but to succeed in life”.
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:: “Get together with people who make you see the beauty of life, not with people who spoil your day”.
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:: “Strive to be happy, not perfect”.
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:: “Remember that with wills and passion, anything is possible”.
Category :positive messages
:: “Never stop trying to make your life extraordinary”.
Category :positive messages
:: “Be happy so that you can to make others happy”.
Category :positive messages
:: “The most important things in life: love, forgive and forget”.
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:: “Let your motto in life is: keep going!”
Category :positive messages
:: “Think big, never give up, and have passion for what you do. With these three ingredients you’ll get to where you want”.
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:: “When something fails, life is telling you to wait, no you can not”.
Category :positive messages
:: “First learn to know your worth and second look for what you deserve”.
Category :positive messages
:: “Remember that what matters is not what you have but who you have in life”.
Category :positive messages
:: “Do the passes thinking about what could be. Use your strength to make it happen”.
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:: “No one will tell you. It’s up to you to take risks and get what you want”.
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:: “Aren’t you satisfied with things like they are now? Arrange them as you want, no complaining”.
Category :positive messages
:: “If you want to be happy you have to live your life enjoying love, facing your fears and appreciating your memories”.
Category :positive messages
:: “The good thing about realizing a dream is what gives excitement to life”.
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:: “Even if you fall, get up with a smile and show you are stronger than you think”.
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:: “If you fall a thousand times, get up a thousand times. Never miss out on the floor, you’re not made for that”.
Category :positive messages
We hope you have enjoyed these phrases and get excited to use them as a status for WhatsApp.
Image courtesy of “photostock” /

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positive messages for WhatsApp, positive phrases for WhatsApp, positive sms for WhatsApp, positive text messages for WhatsApp, positive texts for WhatsApp, positive thoughts for WhatsApp, positive verses for WhatsApp

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