Last modified 10/07/2023
How to redact a quit letter
If you thought well, if you don’t feel good in your actual job or if you have a great opportunity that you can let go, then is time to prepare a good quitclaim letter.
Is not an easy decision to make. We always ask ourselves if we are taking the right decision or if we are risking us unnecessary to leave a stable job. Because we are routine beings, leaving a job could represent anxiety and fear. But you must to keep in mind that is always good to risk for something that worth.
So, if you found a better opportunity, don’t fear about move on. To redact a quitclaim letter is necessary to do it in the way that don’t untie us completely with the company that we are leaving, otherwise, it must to leave the chance of coming back if its needed.
Is important to tell your quit of the company with at least 15 days of anticipation to leave all your responsibilities fulfilled and also give to the company time to find a replacement. This will make a very good impression about you because it shows that you apart of think about you, you also think about the company.
You must to keep in mind that inside the quitclaim letter is necessary say thanks for the opportunity that they given to you at being part of this company and for the experiences gained along the time you worked for them. You also must to explain briefly the reason of your quit and make a cordial farewell to the person in charge.
Free example of a Quit letter:
Lima, December 24, 2013
Mr. Alex Garcia Salazar
General Director of Tellus SAC
I wish to greet you cordially and through this letter, communicate you my formal quit of the charge of call center supervisor, charge that I had since the month of June 2011.
For strictly professional reasons I have taken this decision. It doesn’t have anything about any problem or discomfort inside the company which always respect me. Is important to inform you that I will move away from the company at November 20 of 2013.
I wish to thank you for the opportunity at let me being part of an important company like yours. Working at the side of so qualified people allows me to get great experience that will be useful for me for my career.
I say goodbye thanking you the trust and wishing you the best to you and the company which I will be eternally grateful.
Marisa Gutierrez
We hope that this model has been to your help. Redact a good quitclaim letter and keep this door open in case of the things don’t go as you desire and you need to come back.
Is also necessary that complement your quit with a direct conversation with your boss with respect and gratitude. With this, you will leave a good impression with your ex boss and will be easier the coming back if it’s needed.
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