Last modified 01/25/2024

Professional warning letters
download free employee warning letters

Looking for best warning letters ? ,How do you write a warning letter to an employee? ,What is an employee warning letter? Managers sometimes find ourselves in need of warning of the bad performance of our employees but we don’t know exactly how to do it so that this communication is clear and formal.
Our main objective must be to get our employee to reconsider the situation and change his behavior and performance, thus benefiting him and the company.
If you do not know how to communicate this disagreement to your employees, do not worry because here we offer you the best warning letters for poor performance. We hope you like them and don’t hesitate to use them freely.

Warning sample letter 1:

Chicago, 15 November, 2018
Mr. David Smith:

After an exhaustive evaluation of the events of November 12, 2018, the company has reached the conclusion that you are responsible for the loss of a significant number of products, with a total cost of USD 5,000.
This responsibility is based on your absence in the control point 2 of the central warehouse at the time of theft. For this reason, you will be suspended 4 days without payment.
It should be noted that this is a serious offense and that according to company policy the second serious offense implies final dismissal. We also should say that this event affects directly your performance evaluation for this year.
Mark Sullivan
Human Resources Manager
Global Technologies Inc.

Warning sample letter 2:

San Diego, 10 March, 2019
Ms. Sara Baker:
This letter is to express our deep concern about the low performance that you have been presenting during this year. This low performance is based on:
– You have not reached the financial goals of establishing your area; the expenses generated by your department exceed what was planned by 5%
– We have noticed that you have 6 unexcused absences in the last 3 months.
– There have also been reports that he has left his job 3 hours before finishing his shift twice.
We would like to make it clear that this will be the only warning letter you will receive, if this poor performance is allowed you will be separated from the company.
Robert Pearce
General Manager
Damascus Enterprises Inc.

Warning sample letter 3:

Pittsburgh, 05 February, 2019
Mr. Fred Perry:
Our company is characterized by having professional and committed people among its collaborators, in addition to always have a very high performance in the entrusted tasks.
We also have a very complete system of evaluation by results, where managers and peers of the evaluated are involved, thus making a cross-functional analysis.
According to your last evaluation, which was done in December 2018, you are 5% below the minimum grade to be approved.
Some of the reasons that justify this result are among others: the lack of commitment to the company and your low tendency to collaborate with your peers. You also did not reach the goals of the last 3 projects entrusted to you by your manager.
Therefore, the company extends this final warning letter, where we urge you to reconsider and improve this situation, because we continue to believe that you are a collaborator who has much to contribute to our company.
Jessica Webster
Human Resources Assistant Manager
I & G Construction Inc.

Warning sample letter 4:

Irvine, 22 January, 2019
Ms. Samantha Watson:
With great sorrow we must inform you that you did not meet the expectations of your management, according to the last performance evaluation carried out on December 15, 2018.
Moreover, due to these negative results, you will be considered an employee conditioned to a high performance if you wish to continue working with us.
Your next evaluation will be in 6 months and not one year as usual. This is consequence of the extraordinary situation that we have been exposing in this letter.
We recommend you improve and work on the following aspects: punctuality in the delivery of projects, in addition to proposing at least 2 efficiency projects for your area.
It should be noted that you have all the collaboration of your management for the timely and efficient fulfillment of your entrusted tasks.
Charlene Miller
HR Partner
GBR Expo Inc.

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