Last modified 10/07/2023
Good jobs for professionals in US :
Starting a new life in a country like the United States will require an adaptation period. Speaking and understanding a different language, weather, food, learning new customs and cultural differences will slow the process occasionally.
If your reasons are labor related, an intermediate or higher level of English will be fundamental for your performance. Thus, all professionals who want to practice in the United States need to know the English language. Besides the language, if you want to be welcome by an American firm to exercise your profession, you should consider the following aspects.
Documents :
In order to be welcome professionally, it is mandatory you have all your documents in order. Your working visa, passport, resident document, driving license and other permits must all be valid when you apply for a job.
Local Certifications :
This is very important if you want to be welcome without inconveniences into the United States. The studies or courses you pursued in your home country must be validated in the United States. Validating your studies will open wide the doors to your professional success.
It is not mandatory for all professions, though. Validation is advisable for professional careers. The most important universities in the United States offer programs for that purpose.
Language :
As was mentioned at the start of this article, fluency in English is mandatory to perform professionally in the United States. Before travelling to the United States, many people take English courses to be able to communicate without problems in this country.
However, learning a language is sometimes not as expected. For that reason, it is advisable to take conversation courses when you already are in the United States. In some cases, you might find courses tailored to the specific requirements of your profession.
Computing :
Using computer programs is essential for any kind of job, even more so if you are a professional and you want to be welcome successfully in a firm. Attach to your resume some documents that certify you know computing. If possible, take courses about programs you will use in your profession.
Savings Account :
By savings account we do not mean you should hold a savings account with a specific amount. In fact, we mean that before exercising your profession you should apply for a deposit card with a bank. Companies you work with will deposit your pay into that card. In the United States, almost nobody pays in cash, therefore applying for a debit card with a bank is extremely necessary.
These are some points you should consider if you want to be welcome professionally into the United States.
Image: Sura Nualpradid /