Last modified 01/24/2024
Friendship picture & messages
to send by Whatsapp
Looking for the best friendship WhatsApp messages ? The friendship is so beautiful that you won’t desire to miss having good friends. In this opportunity we will dedicate effusive messages for new friends, in order to send your best feelings to those who are important part of your life.
Below you will find the most varied texts for new friends, so you can share them through Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp.
In this article you will find the happiness of having a new and for that reason, we are offering nice friendship phrases to send whom it concerns.
Lovely friendship text messages for your cute friends
:: “I confess that I have got along with you since the first time I saw you, thank you for your friendship”.
Category: Whatsapp friendship texts messages
:: “Even though you are relative new friend, you are so important in my life and I would love this friendship continues forever”.
Category: Whatsapp friendship texts messages
:: “Having a new friend makes us expand horizons, thank you for having your friendship”.
Category: Whatsapp friendship texts messages
:: “Friends like you are hard to find, I thank God for crossing our paths, I know we will become great friends”.
Category: Whatsapp friendship texts messages
Top friendship images, greetings and pictures for Facebook
:: “In this short time you had become one of my best friends, I know that we will spend cute time together”.
Category: Facebook friendship greetings
:: “Thank you for giving me a good example of improvement, thank you for being kind to others”.
Category: Facebook friendship greetings
:: “I thank God for giving me the happiness of had met you, I see that our characters coincide in ideas and ways of thinking”.
Category: Facebook friendship greetings
:: “A good friendship lasts forever, I hope our new friendship will be lasting and stable”.
Category: Facebook friendship greetings
Download best sweet friendship Facebook wordings
:: “Our friendship begins at school hope it will last until we are two great professionals, with nice own families and with the confidence to shake hands as brothers”.
Category: Sweet friendship phrases
:: “Thank you for giving me your beautiful friendship, for being a person of good heart, kind and willing to always help”.
Category: Sweet friendship phrases
:: “I thank God for so many emotions together. I hope we do not miss his love and understanding, and I ask him to take care of our beautiful friendship”.
Category: Sweet friendship phrases
:: “Thank you for bringing into my life to a friend I needed a long time ago, someone to share my time with”.
Category: Sweet friendship phrases
:: “I hope that being friends gives us many good experiences and that we would know how to take advantage of them for our personal and work life”.
Category: Sweet friendship phrases
Latest friendship Whatsapp sweet messages & images
:: “Thank you once more for your friendship, I like to talk with someone as fun and prepared as you”.
Category: Friendship Whatsapp wishes
:: “Let’s have a hug to celebrate this new friendship that is born today at the university, I hope we are faithful classmates at the classroom and share many experiences of life which came before”.
Category: Friendship Whatsapp wishes
:: “Thank God for having a new friend, for making my days shared with good people and for giving us the joy of supporting each other”.
Category: Friendship Whatsapp wishes
:: “May our days be blessed with the love of God, wishing the endeavour we want to make would be for the welfare of our friendship”.
Category: Friendship Whatsapp wishes
We finish this article with very cute phrases for a new friend, so you can send them to that person who is recently part of your life. In the same way you will find the most original SMS for new friends , share any of them freely.
Best friend text messages & friendship
messages for him and her
Sometimes when we meet someone we had the feeling of have seen him before a long time ago. Meeting new people is nice, because these people can teach us many things and with them we have a great friendship.
Are you very excited to have met a new friend and want to tell everyone? In this article we present a list of beautiful thoughts for new friends.
You can use these phrases to post them on your Facebook wall or on your Twitter to let your loved ones know the excitement you feel about having met a new friend.
Friendship messages: What to write in a friendship card
:: “I am very excited because I met a person with whom I identify a lot, I know that we will be good friends”.
Category :Messages for a new friend
:: “A few weeks ago we were introduced and I realized that we have many similar tastes, I know we will get along just fine”.
Category :Messages for a new friend
:: “A true friendship does not require years, only two people are required to be carried very well and share the same tastes and interests”.
Category :Messages for a new friend
:: “I feel a great thrill to have met someone as great as you, I hope that our friendship will last forever”.
Category :Messages for a new friend
:: “Every day we meet new people, but only the most important ones are in our lives. I feel happy because I have a new friend and we get along great”.
Category :Messages for a new friend
:: “We just met but I already consider you a friend because you have proven to be a nice girl who can be trusted”.
Category :Messages for a new friend

Beautiful friendship text messages to send by messenger
:: “The sincere friendship is recognized because that special person spend pleasant moments and is by your side when you most require.
You barely know me and you extend me your hand to help me for that reason I consider you a good friend”.
Category :Friendship text messages
:: “When I saw you I felt that you were a nice guy and just started talking it was as if we had known long ago. I love being your friend”.
Category :Friendship text messages
:: “A few days ago we started talking and now I consider you as one of my best friends, I feel very happy to have met you”.
Category :Friendship text messages
:: “You are already count among my more important friends because without knowing much you did extend your hand of support. I have fun talking to you because we found so many things we have in common”.
Category :Friendship text messages
Download true friends Facebook messages & images
:: “It’s a great opportunity to meet people like you, who exudes confidence and with whom I know I can have a lasting friendship”.
Category :Friendship quotes for Facebook
:: “For a true friendship is not necessary dor both involved to be equal, it is only necessary to understand, respect and support”.
Category :Friendship quotes for Facebook
:: “The day I met you I was surprised because I never would find someone with whom we share so many things. I am happy because we will be friends forever”.
Category :Friendship quotes for Facebook
:: “There are people who believe that we are friends for a long time and actually know very recently but we get along”.
Category :Friendship quotes for Facebook
:: “You helped me to not feel alone in that meeting, since I started talking got along so well that now we have become friends”.
Category :Friendship quotes for Facebook
:: “Just yesterday I met you, but I liked you a lot. I hope that our friendship lasts forever”.
Category :Friendship quotes for Facebook
We hope that these cute messages for new friends have been to your liking. Share them if you feel happy to have met someone.

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