Last modified 01/27/2024

Dubai guide: Working conditions, salary & working hours,salaries,jobs in Dubai,recruitment and Job Search for Jobs in Dubai:

Working in Dubai can be a rewarding experience, as long as you manage to get a work contract for a previously defined period of time, which will allow you having the right to rest every week, the right to have vacations after the first year of work and benefits related to alimentation, housing and children education. 

Dubai is one of the seven countries that form the United Arabian Emirates that has transformed into a new immigration destination in the world. This is a country that 50 years ago was a desert with little cities; today, due to the property boom, it has suffered a big change. 

Today, Dubai has managed to achieve the exploit of transcending oil, by reducing its participation as contributor to the national economy with only the 3 %, for tourism and construction. 

Dubai, been a little country, wanting to change its economic destiny, has created great industrial parks, artificial islands and huge building which, before their need of skilled and non skilled work force, was forced to hire foreign staff, promoting the massive migration of people from India, Pakistan, United States, England, Germany and Spain

One of the advantages of Dubai is that it is a bilingual country where Arabian and English predominates, which is why if someone does not have a proper command of these languages will not be able to work there. 

Immigrant are a need for Dubai, which is why the process for getting visas are not excessive, it is only necessary for the company to offer you a job position, hiring you for a previously defined period of time and then process your work visa before Dubai’s authorities. 

It is necessary for the immigrant to know that it is very difficult accessing to low skilled jobs, because there is cheap work force from India and Pakistan, who work for less than 200 Euros, without the right to rest in the week or vacations and that, most of the times, are accommodated in shared rooms to reduce the costs. This is why the options for working in Dubai are reduced to specialized jobs, which are really appreciated. 

It is necessary for immigrants to understand that choosing Dubai as a place to work involves living in one of the world’s cities in which the life cost and the weather are not pleasant and the fact that been an Arabian city, the respect towards religion is very high. However, Dubai does not apply the Sharia Law (corporal punishments) that is applied in Muslim countries, because it considers men and women are the same. 

A person who has a formal job usually works for five days a week, for 8 hours a day. The reason for which they only work 5 days, from Sunday to Thursday, is because Friday is considered as a resting day for religious matters and Saturday for matters of synchronization with the resting days of their business pairs in the rest of the world. The working day is reduced to six hours a day in the month of Ramadan. 

The periods of vocational rest are related to how long the person has worked for the company, this means that every worker has the right, for each month of work, to two days of annual vacations, as long as he or she has worked for more than a year, which also allows requesting a period of 30 days of license, without taking of part of his or her salary. 

The benefits of been hired by a company in Dubai can also include alimentation, housing, automobile, health and children education, but in order to make effective these benefits, they must be included in a previously defined contract, not only when it starts, but also when it ends, whether it is because the worker chose to end it or for an agreement between both parts (employer and employee). Nothing prevents it from been renewed, as long as both parts agree. 

When immigrant who reside in Dubai are asked why they chose Dubai as a working place, all answer that the great chances of professional and business success given by the city, because of its condition of the world’s center of business and finances, for the international standards it offers, the quality of its health system and the multicultural environment, but they also agree that whoever migrates must be willing to work a lot in order to achieve his or her goals. Most professional immigrant go to Dubai for a period of two years, but when their contract ends, they extend their stay period up to twice the time they stated in their initial work contracts, because they consider that, in Dubai, the professional opportunities are too many, due to the dynamism of its economy. 

Finally, it is necessary to point out that New Zealanders, Australians, Europeans and North American are the ones who occupy the high executive positions. 

Summing up, as you can see, residing and working in Dubai for short periods of time, will allow the immigrant to save a part of his or her wage, as long as he or she manages to get formally hired. 

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